Agenda and minutes

Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions - Friday 14 June 2024 12.00 pm

Contact: Helen Barnsley / Nicole Conway  Senior Democratic Services Officer / Trainee Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Traffic Surveys DPS pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:


Resolved that the Deputy Leader:


Approves the procurement and establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System for Traffic Surveys; and


Authorises the Executive Director for Communities to award contracts to providers and to enter into any legal agreements necessary to implement the recommendations in this report on terms and conditions acceptable to the Executive Director for Resources.


Charging schools for academy conversions pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Additional documents:


Resolved that the Portfolio Holder for Education:


Approves the partial recouping of the Local Authority’s costs in relation to the academy conversion process, through the charging of a fee of up to an estimated £7,750 to each converting school, and


Delegates approval of the final charge to the Executive Director for Children and Young People, and


Agrees that this fee is reviewed annually with the decision on any changes delegated to the Executive Director for Children and Young People.