Venue: On line via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Paul Williams Democratic Services Team Leader
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Election of Chair of Council To elect a Chair for the ensuing municipal year. The Chair to make a declaration of acceptance of office.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved: That Councillor Alan Cockburn be elected Chair of Council until the annual meeting of the Council in 2021. Minutes: The meeting was opened by Councillor Nicola Davies, the outgoing Chair of Council. Councillor Davies requested nominations for the Chair of Council for 2020/21.
Councillor Izzi Seccombe (Leader of the Council) nominated Councillor Alan Cockburn. Councillor Peter Butlin (Deputy Leader of the Council) seconded the nomination. No other nominations were proposed.
Monica Fogarty (Chief Executive) oversaw the vote. 48 Members voted for. There were 2 abstentions and none against.
Councillor Alan Cockburn took the Chair and proposed a vote of thanks to Councillor Nicola Davies. This was seconded by Councillor Sarah Board who commended the work undertaken by Councillor Davies since May 2019.
Councillor Davies duly thanked Council for its support during her tenure and especially thanked those officers who had helped her in her role as Chair.
Resolved: That Councillor Alan Cockburn be elected Chair of Council until the annual meeting of the Council in 2021. |
Election of Vice Chair of Council To elect a Vice Chair for the ensuing municipal year. The Vice Chair to make a declaration of acceptance of office. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved: That Councillor Pete Gilbert be elected Vice-Chair of Council until the annual meeting of the Council in 2021. Minutes: Councillor Seb Gran nominated Councillor Peter Gilbert to the position of Vice Chair of Council for the period to May 2021. The nomination was seconded by Councillor Yousef Dahmash. There were no further nominations.
Monica Fogarty oversaw the vote. 48 members voted for. There were two abstentions and no votes against.
Councillor Peter Gilbert thanked Council for its support.
That Councillor Pete Gilbert be elected Vice-Chair of Council until the annual meeting of the Council in 2021. |
General Additional documents: |
Apologies for Absence To take any apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Jeff Clarke, John Cooke, Anne Parry and Dave Reilly. |
Dispensations for Absence To consider and dispensations that may be required under Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: None required. |
Members’ Disclosures of Pecuniary and Non-pecuniary Interests Members are required to register their disclosable pecuniary interests within 28 days of their election of appointment to the Council. A member attending a meeting where a matter arises in which s/he has a disclosable pecuniary interest must (unless s/he has a dispensation):
· Declare the interest if s/he has not already registered it · Not participate in any discussion or vote · Must leave the meeting room until the matter has been dealt with. · Give written notice of any unregistered interest to the Monitoring Officer within 28 days of the meeting
Non-pecuniary interests must still be declared in accordance with the Code of Conduct. These should be declared at the commencement of the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Minutes of the previous meeting To consider the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 18 February 2020. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 18 February 2020 were approved as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of Council held on 18 February 2020 were considered and agreed to be accurate.
That the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 18 February 2020 are approved as a correct record. |
Chair's announcements To receive any announcements from the Chair of the Council, Leader, Cabinet Members or Chief Executive. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Alan Cockburn announced the passing of four ex-Councillors and Councillors since the last meeting of Council.
1) Ex-Councillor Stanley Birch – Ex-Councillor Stanley Birch, having been elected to Leamington Borough Council in 1964, joined Warwickshire County Council in 1970. He served the Council for 23 years and was Chair in 1989/90. He was Chair of the Police Authority between 1973 and 1987. In addition, Stanley Birch was active in the area of health being at one point the Chair of South Warwickshire Health Authority. As well as supporting the voluntary and community sector, Stanley Birch was instrumental in the setting up of the first women’s refuge in Warwickshire.
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse (Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group) acknowledged the life and work of Stanley Birch having met him when he was Chair of the Police Authority.
Councillor Sarah Boad (Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group) had known Stanley Birch and acknowledged him as a good servant to the public.
2) Ex-Councillor Bernard Kirton – Ex-Councillor Bernard Kirton passed away on 7 April 2020.
Councillor Judy Falp opened the tributes stating that she had known Bernard Kirton for over 25 years. He was a mentor and a friend who was stubborn and hardworking and helped people quietly behind the scenes.
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse remembered Bernard Kirton’s negotiating skills; making sure that the people of Whitnash benefitted from any deals needing to be made.
Councillor Parminder Singh Birdi recounted how he had been persuaded by Bernard Kirton to stand as a councillor. He would always be remembered as the “King of Whitnash”.
Councillor Sarah Boad stated that she had often sat next to Bernard Kirton at meetings and found him to be good company. He was also an early adopter of new technologies such as fax machines.
Councillor Jonathan Chilvers (Leader of the Green Group) stated that Bernard Kirton had acted as a fine role model to him.
Councillor John Holland noted how helpful Bernard Kirton had always been. He always sought to find out what people really wanted to achieve.
Councillor Neil Dirveiks informed Council that despite living in the north of Warwickshire he had known of Bernard Kirton all of his life. He commended Bernard Kirton for always speaking up for the people in his community.
3. Councillor Bill Olner – Councillor Bill Olner passed away on 18 May 2020 whilst still in office.
Councillor Helen Adkins (Acting Leader of the Labour Group) mourned the loss of a “political giant”. She stated that she had not previously known how appreciated he was by the community he served. He demonstrated tireless commitment to the most vulnerable and was a very kind person.
Councillor Jeff Morgan stated that Bill Olner and his wife Gill had been good friends to his parents. In 2003, on the occasion of Councillor Morgan’s Father’s 90th birthday Councillor Olner had arranged for a birthday card to be signed by Tony Blair. This reflected his generous personality.
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse regarded Bill Olner as a ... view the full minutes text for item 3(5) |
Petitions To receive any petitions submitted in accordance with the Council’s Petitions Scheme.
Additional documents: Minutes: No petitions were presented to the meeting. |
Public Speaking To note any requests to speak on any item on the agenda in accordance with the Council’s Public Speaking Scheme.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair welcomed two public speakers to the meeting, Sally Duns and Susan Rasmussen.
1) Sally Duns, speaking on Agenda item 8, opened by stating that she had lived in Warwick for 25 years and in Hampton Magna for 18 years. She, along with family members, were keen cyclists who enjoyed seeing other people using their bicycles during the lockdown period. Recognising the mental and physical benefits of cycling as well as those on the environment Sally Duns commended the proposals before Council but asked that more be done to provide a joined-up network of cycle routes.
2) Susan Rasmussen spoke to a motion being tabled by the Green Group. She called on Council to support green alternatives to motor transport noting that cycling and walking can bring about significant benefits. A network of segregated cycle routes should be constructed whilst school children should be encouraged to walk and cycle to school. Urban areas should have a standard 20mph speed limit with a “whole route” approach being adopted to transport planning. Consultation on the Local Plan had provided evidence that many people in Leamington Spa would support these measures.
The Chair thanked the speakers for their contributions. |
Appointments to Committees A report of the Strategic Director for Resources.
The Local Government and Housing Act 1989 sets out requirements for political balance on member bodies unless the Council agrees otherwise. If the Council wishes to adopt arrangements that do not follow the requirements for political balance on member bodies then this will be dependent on no-one voting against such arrangements.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
1. That the Council confirms the Committee structure and delegations to member bodies and officers as set out in the Constitution
2. That the number of places on Council Committees be as follows:
3. That the Council appoints the committees and membership:
4. (a) That John Bridgeman be confirmed as the Chair of the Audit and Standards Committee.
5. (a) That the Council confirms/amends membership to the following bodies:
5 (b) That Cllr Caborn is appointed as the Chair of the Health and Well-being Board
(c) That the Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services is appointed as the Chair of the Corporate Parenting Panel.
6. (a) That the ... view the full decision text for item 4. Minutes: Councillor Izzi Seccombe moved the recommendations before Council and was seconded by Councillor Helen Adkins.
Following a brief introduction by Councillor Seccombe Council voted on the recommendations. They were agreed unanimously.
1. That the Council confirms the Committee structure and delegations to member bodies and officers as set out in the Constitution
2. That the number of places on Council Committees be as follows:
3. That the Council appoints the committees and membership:
4. (a) That John Bridgeman be confirmed as the Chair of the Audit and Standards Committee.
5. (a) That the Council confirms/amends membership to the following bodies:
(b) That Cllr Caborn is appointed as the Chair of the Health and Well-being Board
(c) That the Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services is appointed as the Chair of the Corporate Parenting ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2019/20 The enclosed report highlights the work of each of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees over the last year.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved: That Council notes the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2019/2020. Minutes: Councillor Yousef Dahmash (Chair of the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee) moved the recommendation and was seconded by Councillor Wallace Redford (Chair of the Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee) who reserved his right to speak.
Councillor Dahmash thanked members and officers for their contribution to the work of the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC). In addition, he thanked the Portfolio Holders for their contributions at meetings. It was noted that the Covid-19 pandemic had impacted on the operation of his committee, but the re-establishment of meetings was welcomed. Prior to lockdown the opportunity had been taken by the committee to hear from frontline officers and service users to gauge their views. This had been welcomed by those who had been invited to the meetings and been very successful. In addition, pre-meeting briefings had been held for members. Again, the opportunity had been taken to meet front line staff. Overall, the committee had displayed very good cross-party working.
Councillor Jonathan Chilvers echoed the previous remarks concerning the efficacy of hearing from service providers and users but did suggest that more should be done to develop focused recommendations stemming from those discussions.
Councillor Alan Cockburn (Outgoing Chair of the Communities OSC) noted the extent of public interest in scrutiny and commended the use of single item meetings for thoroughly exploring topics.
Councillor Adrian Warwick (Chair of the Resources and Fire & Rescue OSC) thanked officers and members for their support of the scrutiny process and commended all staff for their ongoing commitment and hard work during the current pandemic.
Councillor Keith Kondakor stated that scrutiny is effective at the County Council. In particular, he welcomed that members who are not on a particular committee are permitted to speak if they wish to share their knowledge or opinions. He also noted that single issue meetings are a good means of thoroughly exploring a topic.
Councillor Wallace Redford supported all that had been said previously. He noted that the agenda for the Adult Social Care and Health OSC will need to adapt to reflect the impact of Covid-19. The joint OSC with Coventry had worked well as had the pre-meeting briefings often provided by the Department of Public Health.
A vote was held and the recommendation agreed unanimously.
That Council notes the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2019/2020. |
Annual Monitor of use of the Urgency and Call-in procedures 2019/20 Leader of the Council - Councillor Izzi Seccombe
The enclosed report of the Strategic Director for Resources sets out the annual report on the use of urgency and call-in procedures. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved: That Council notes the report. Minutes: Councillor Izzi Seccombe introduced the report, drawing a distinction between those decisions made prior to the Covid -19 pandemic and those made during it.
Councillor Peter Butlin seconded the recommendation and reserved the right to speak.
Councillor Jonathan Chilvers welcomed the opportunity to comment on Covid-19 related items adding that in some other local authorities it was the Chief Executive that was taking the decisions; a process that sometimes lacks transparency. He suggested that the County Council had been slow to introduce remote meetings but welcomed that they are now operational.
Councillor Keith Kondakor stated that in some instances urgency can deny an opportunity to contribute to discussions on an issue, The example he used concerned a bid to the DfT for an electric bus initiative where tight deadlines set by the DfT had meant that the report and subsequent decision had needed to be made very quickly.
Councillor Mark Cargill welcomed the briefings that are delivered by the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive. He also noted that district and borough councils have responded well to the pandemic.
In summing up, the Leader commended the council for being agile in its decision-making. The time taken by the council to introduce virtual meetings was no greater than other councils and the speed with which remote working had been introduced was commendable.
A vote was held and the recommendation agreed unanimously.
Resolved: That Council notes the report. |
Treasury Management Strategy and Investment Strategy Cabinet Portfolio Holder: Councillor Peter Butlin
The enclosed report has been considered by Cabinet and Council is recommended to give its final approval.
Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved that: 1. The Treasury Management Strategy for 2020/21 (Appendix 1 to the report) be approved and that its provisions have effect from 1st April 2020. 2. The Investment Strategy for 2020/21 be approved (Appendix 2 to the report). 3. The Council require the Strategic Director for Resources to ensure that gross borrowing does not exceed the prudential level as specified in Appendix 1 Annex B to the report, taking into account current commitments, existing plans, and the proposals in the budget report. 4. The Council delegates authority to the Strategic Director for Resources to undertake all the activities listed in Appendix 1 Annex H of the report. 5. The Council requires the Strategic Director for Resources to implement the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy as specified in Appendix 1 Annex I to the report. 6. The Council notes the decision of the Leader to enable an option to make an early payment of pension fund contributions subject to the conditions set out at Section 7.24 of the Treasury Management Strategy being met Minutes: Councillor Peter Butlin explained that the report before Council had largely been written prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. Key features of the strategy included a proposal to borrow over a longer period n order to secure better returns, the spreading of risks across the entire council and further consideration of ethical investments that will support the Council’s climate emergency work.
Councillor Adrian Warwick seconded the recommendations and reserved the right to speak.
Councillor Keith Kondakor suggested that the Covid-19 pandemic will have changed the risk profile for the council. For example, property investments that previously promised good returns may no longer do so. Some councils, he added, have over invested in projects such as inter-council loans with some councils being placed in a difficult position owing to falling income.
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse welcomed the references to ethical investment adding that the evidence available suggested that interest in this area is likely to increase.
Councillor Adrian Warwick stated that the County Council is in a better position financially than many other local authorities.
Councillor Peter Butlin concluded by noting that ethical investments, like any other, must work for the benefit of the council.
A vote was held. The recommendations were agreed with one abstention and no votes against.
Resolved that: 1. The Treasury Management Strategy for 2020/21 (Appendix 1 to the report) be approved and that its provisions have effect from 1st April 2020. 2. The Investment Strategy for 2020/21 be approved (Appendix 2 to the report). 3. The Council require the Strategic Director for Resources to ensure that gross borrowing does not exceed the prudential level as specified in Appendix 1 Annex B to the report, taking into account current commitments, existing plans, and the proposals in the budget report. 4. The Council delegates authority to the Strategic Director for Resources to undertake all the activities listed in Appendix 1 Annex H of the report. 5. The Council requires the Strategic Director for Resources to implement the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy as specified in Appendix 1 Annex I to the report. 6. The Council notes the decision of the Leader to enable an option to make an early payment of pension fund contributions subject to the conditions set out at Section 7.24 of the Treasury Management Strategy being met |
Capital Investment Fund 2019/20 Warwick Town Centre Transport Package Cabinet Portfolio Holders; Councillors Peter Butlin and Jeff Clarke
A report that asks Council approval for an allocation of £4.046 million funding from the Capital Investment Fund (CIF) to deliver a transport package for Warwick town centre and the addition of the project to the Capital Programme at a full cost of £4.418 million. Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved: 1. That the Council approves an allocation of £4.046 million funding from the Capital Investment Fund (CIF) to deliver a transport package for Warwick town centre (as set out in paragraph 2.1 and 3.1) and the addition of the project to the Capital Programme at a full cost of £4.418 million with the balance of funding coming from the Community Infrastructure Levy.
2. That the Council authorises the Strategic Director for Communities to procure and enter any agreements to give effect to the proposals on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources. Minutes: Councillor Peter Butlin introduced the published report and thanked Sally Duns for her earlier comments. He thanked the local members for Warwick along with officers for the efforts they had put into the scheme.
Councillor Parminder Singh Birdi seconded the proposal adding that he agreed with all of its objectives.
Councillor John Holland welcomed the scheme and Councillor Keith Kondakor, as well as requesting that the model being used be copied elsewhere, requested that funds be set aside to assist with snagging and other contingencies.
Councillor Peter Butlin closed by saying that funds to cover contingencies had been identified.
A vote was held and the recommendations agreed unanimously.
Resolved: 1. That the Council approves an allocation of £4.046 million funding from the Capital Investment Fund (CIF) to deliver a transport package for Warwick town centre (as set out in paragraph 2.1 and 3.1) and the addition of the project to the Capital Programme at a full cost of £4.418 million with the balance of funding coming from the Community Infrastructure Levy.
2. That the Council authorises the Strategic Director for Communities to procure and enter any agreements to give effect to the proposals on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources. |
Historic Bridge Maintenance Programme - Capital Programme Entry Cabinet Portfolio Holders: Councillors Peter Butlin and Jeff Clarke
This report seeks Council approval to the addition of the Historic Bridge Maintenance Programme to the capital programme at an estimated cost of £6.30m, funded from the Capital Investment Fund (CIF) and the Department for Transport (DfT) Challenge Fund. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved: That the Council approve the addition of the Historic Bridge Maintenance Programme to the capital programme at an estimated cost of £6.30m, funded from the Capital Investment Fund (CIF) and the Department for Transport (DfT) Challenge Fund. Minutes: Councillor Jo Barker moved the recommendation observing that Honnington Bridge in her division was often damaged by floating debris.
Councillor Mark Cargill seconded the recommendation and reserved the right to speak.
A number of members with historic bridges in their divisions commended the proposals. Councillor Cargill observed that in his division there are two historic bridges in his area and in summing up Councillor Barker congratulated the officers and the Executive for securing the funding.
A vote was held. The recommendation was agreed unanimously.
Resolved: That the Council approve the addition of the Historic Bridge Maintenance Programme to the capital programme at an estimated cost of £6.30m, funded from the Capital Investment Fund (CIF) and the Department for Transport (DfT) Challenge Fund. |
Warwickshire Rail Strategy 2019 - 2034 Cabinet Portfolio Holder: Councillor Jeff Clarke
Council is asked to endorse the Warwickshire Rail Strategy 2019-2034 and agree that the document is addended to the Warwickshire Local Transport Plan 2011-2026. Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved 1. That the Council note the results of the consultation and the resulting modifications made to the draft Warwickshire Rail Strategy. 2. That the Council endorse the Warwickshire Rail Strategy 2019-2034 and agree that the document is addended to the Warwickshire Local Transport Plan 2011- 2026. Minutes: Councillor Peter Butlin introduced the report noting that the rail strategy had been subject to extensive consultation reviewing access, ticketing, links, new stations and devolution. The results of the Williams Rail Review had been delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Council was informed that Covid-19 had led to a downturn in rail travel to the extent that the rail franchises had effectively ceased to exist. Future rail service delivery may be through public service contracts rather than franchises.
Councillor Dave Shilton seconded the proposal and reserved the right to speak.
Councillor Dave Parsons accepted that the rail strategy was not contentious but suggested that it was not ambitious either. He noted that issues around track capacity were closely linked to HS2, a scheme to which the Council was opposed. There was reference to a new station at Polesworth in the strongly but the case for it was not made strongly.
Councillor John Horner noted that the strategy had been drafted pre-Covid-19. Given the decline in tourism in Stratford-upon-Avon he wondered whether more emphasis should be made to links between Stratford and London thus increasing the potential for attracting tourists.
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse agreed that the effect of the pandemic should be reflected in a more ambitious strategy. Rugby Parkway station will be welcomed but for it to succeed there will be a need for cycle links, e-bikes, integrated travel and integrated ticketing.
Councillor Keith Kondakor noted that despite having a station with seven platforms, Nuneaton is not served by an adequate number of trains. The Manchester stopping service will not stop at Nuneaton and Leicester services bypass the station. A proposal for a new station adjacent to the A5 north of Nuneaton is not realistic. The focus should be on existing stations and on the construction of a new station at Stockingford where there is already a catchment of prospective passengers. Finally, Councillor Kondakor called for a new entrance to be provided on the Weddington side of Nuneaton station.
Councillor Clare Golby echoed the views regarding the need for a new station at Stockingford and for a Weddington side entrance to Nuneaton station.
Councillor Neil Dirveiks reminded Council that the strategy being considered was a high-level document. People, he said, require easy access to stations. He cited Atherstone where an access bridge had been removed at a time when patronage was on the rise.
Councillor Jill-Simpson Vince echoed her support for Rugby Parkway station stating that it will take pressure of the main station in Rugby. Councillor Yousef Dahmash observed that some minor improvements proposed for Rugby station had been a long time in coming. Regarding Rugby Parkway, whilst agreeing that it would be a welcome addition, he noted that it may have a negative impact on the A428 Crick Road. Councillor Maggie O’Rourke hoped that increases in home working would lead to a reduction in air pollution.
Councillor Bob Stevens agreed that the strategy lacked ambition seemingly failing to take account of the impact of HS2. Warwickshire could become a ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Audit and Standards Committee Annual Report 2019/20 Cabinet Portfolio Holder: Councillor Kam Kaur
Council is requested to receive the Annual Report of the Audit and Standards Committee. This report is being considered by the Audit and Standards Committee on 20 July 2020. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved: That the Council notes the Annual Report of the Audit and Standards Committee. Minutes: The meeting re-convened at 2.00pm.
Councillor Kam Kaur introduced the report, thanking the Chair of the Audit and Standards Committee and the Council’s external auditors. She moved the recommendation and was seconded by Councillor Mark Cargill. Councillor Cargill stated that in his view the committee was very effectively run and did a good job. These views were echoed by Councillor Bill Gifford.
In closing, Councillor Kaur remembered Bob Meacham who had been an independent member of the committee but who had passed away in the last year.
A vote was held and the recommendation agreed unanimously.
Resolved: That the Council notes the Annual Report of the Audit and Standards Committee. |
Notices of Motion To consider the following motions submitted by members in accordance with Standing Order 5:
(1) Green Group Motion
This Council is committed to producing a new Local Transport Plan where:
· Public transport and active travel will be the natural first choice for our daily activities. We will encourage the reduction in car use by supporting a convenient, cost-effective and coherent public transport network.
· We will support actively moving towards a position where all road vehicles from motorcycles to HGVs will be zero emission. We will support technological advances, including new modes of transport and mobility innovation, to drive modal shift and change the way vehicles are used.
· Our goods will be delivered through an integrated, efficient and sustainable delivery system.
· We will support clean, place-based solutions that meet the needs of local people and champion the climate agenda through local leadership. Changes and leadership at a local level will make an important contribution to reducing national GHG emissions.
· Warwickshire will be an internationally recognised leader in environmentally sustainable, low carbon technology and innovation in transport.
Proposer: Councillor Keith Kondakor
Seconder: Councillor Jonathan Chilvers
(2) Green Group and Independent Motion
This Council
· Thanks the huge number of people and community groups who volunteered or offered to volunteer in their communities during the first phase of the pandemic.
· Recognises that is now a short-term one-off window to engage with individuals and groups and broker opportunities that could help address long term issues such as loneliness in our community.
· Supports the making of an urgent bid to the Sustaining Prevention Fund to provide additional short-term (6 months) resources, to enable further proactive outreach and work with new community groups to help keep volunteers engaged in their communities for the longer term.
Proposer: Councillor Jonathan Chilvers
Seconder: Councillor Dan Gissane Additional documents: Decision: Important – The two motions on this page are those that were published with the agenda. Both received amendments. Motion one was voted down. Motion two was agreed to with amendments. (Full details in Minutes).
Agreed Amended Motion 2
This Council
Thanks the huge number of people and community groups (including town and parish councils) who volunteered or offered to volunteer in their communities during the first phase of the pandemic.
Recognises that there is an opportunity to engage with individuals and volunteer groups that could help address long term issues such as loneliness isolation and mental health especially anxiety in our communities.
Acknowledges and supports the work undertaken by the cross party Covid-19 Recovery Working Groups in considering what is needed to enable new community groups to keep volunteers engaged in their communities for the longer term and supports these principles being incorporated into the recommendations to be considered by Cabinet in September 2020. Minutes: Motion 1
Councillor Keith Kondakor moved the following motion.
“This Council is committed to producing a new Local Transport Plan where:
1) Public transport and active travel will be the natural first choice for our daily activities. We will encourage the reduction in car use by supporting a convenient, cost-effective and coherent public transport network.
2) We will support actively moving towards a position where all road vehicles from motorcycles to HGVs will be zero emission. We will support technological advances, including new modes of transport and mobility innovation, to drive modal shift and change the way vehicles are used.
3) Our goods will be delivered through an integrated, efficient and sustainable delivery system.
4) We will support clean, place-based solutions that meet the needs of local people and champion the climate agenda through local leadership. Changes and leadership at a local level will make an important contribution to reducing national GHG emissions.
5) Warwickshire will be an internationally recognised leader in environmentally sustainable, low carbon technology and innovation in transport”.
The motion was seconded by Councillor Jonathan Chilvers who emphasised that most of its features were based on proposals put forward by Grant Schapps MP (Secretary of State for Transport).
Amendment 1
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse proposed an amendment adding a further bullet point to say, “We will accelerate and support stronger localised school green travel plans by working with such bodies as the “Living Streets “ campaign all aimed at creating healthier communities by improving the air quality around schools”.
Councillor Sarah Boad (Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group) seconded the amendment and expressed her support for the motion as a whole. In doing so Councillor Boad noted that the Covid-19 pandemic had resulted in less traffic and improved air quality. Children, she suggested, should be encouraged to walk or cycle to school and bus operators should reinstate services they have withdrawn.
Acceptance of Amendment
Councillor Keith Kondakor accepted the amendment proposed by the Liberal Democrat Group as a friendly amendment.
Members of the Council made the following points.
Councillor Dave Parsons stated that improvements in air quality should commence in the home. Log burners and gas central heating add particulates and sulphur dioxide to the atmosphere.
Councillor Helen Adkins supported the motion stating that it captured the need of the moment.
Councillor Izzi Seccombe stated that whilst she would not support the motion, her objection was based on process proposed to be followed rather than the principle. Costings would be required before any commitments could be made. The motion appeared to bypass the work of the Covid-19 working groups which would in time be reporting to Cabinet.
Councillor Judy Falp commended the road safety team of the County Council.
Councillor Bill Gifford, having expressed his support for the amended motion suggested that it was concerned with the principles placing these over the process. Council was reminded that in July 2019 it had declared a climate emergency.
Councillor Clare Golby reminded Council that a new ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
Member Question Time (Standing Order 7) A period of up to 40 minutes is allocated for questions to the Leader, Cabinet Portfolio Holders and Chairs of Overview and Scrutiny Committees.
Additional documents: Minutes: A series of questions to Portfolio Holders were asked by members.
Question 1 – Scrapped Weddington GP Surgery – Asked by Councillor Keith Kondakor
Over the last 9 years the project to build a GP surgery in the Weddington division has obtained a site from the Church Field developer and over £900,000 in approved section 106 contributions. The site had outline permission for the surgery and is spade ready. There a GP keen to get a new surgery going if it was built.
There are no GP surgeries in my division and a very rapidly expanding population due to 7 approved housing developments. It is expected that next month the North Warwickshire CCG will formally scrap this project and instead expect residents to wait for a large PFI like funded health centre on a County Council owned site, which is unlikely to happen soon, if ever. We need the County Council, a commercial firm or community organisation to own the building to get round the new NHS privatisation rules. Can Warwickshire County Council intervene so that we can have new GPs before winter 2021/22?
Answer to question 1 given by Councillor Les Caborn
The site in question has a complicated history. There are two options being considered; a surgery at Church Field and a health and leisure hub at Top Farm. The funding of any scheme has yet to be agreed and it will be the CCG governing body that makes the final decision. The CCG has suggested that a temporary solution might be found in St Nicholas.
In response Councillor Kondakor observed that a five consulting room practice was required immediately. An overly large facility provided in ten years would not provide the solution.
Question 2 – Warwickshire Property Company – Asked by Councillor Clive Rickhards
Given that the proposed Warwickshire Property Company will be wholly owned by the Council and will set certain targets what assurances are there on the nature of democratic control and scrutiny of the company?
Answer to question 2 given by Councillor Izzi Seccombe.
Work on the property company has been on-going since the May 2020 meeting of Cabinet. No final decisions have been taken and all are subject to legal advice. Further reports will be submitted to Cabinet and Council in October. The intention is that whatever form the project takes it will be subject to close scrutiny.
Question 3 – Cambourne Way/Eastboro Way – Asked by Councillor Keith Kondakor After just over 2 years the 30 MPH speed signs have finally been reinstalled at the junction of Camborne Drive and Eastboro Way. Would I be correct in thinking the County Council has a legal requirement to reinstall 30MPH signs after road schemes remove existing signs and how many speed signs have been reported to the council in Warwickshire over the last 2 years? Has there been more that have taken over a year to be reinstated?
Answer to Question 3 given by Councillor Izzi Seccombe
A full response could not be ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
Any Other items of Urgent Business To consider any other items that the Chair considers are urgent. Additional documents: |
Meetings on Rising of Council
Please note that the following will meet at 12.00 noon (or on the rising of Council if later) for the Leader to confirm the appointment of Cabinet, the Committees to elect their Chairs and Vice Chairs and for confirmation of appointment of bodies.
These will take place in the order shown:
1. The Leader 2. Staff and Pensions Committee 3. Pension Fund Investment Sub-Committee 4. Regulatory Committee 5. Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6. Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee 7. Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee 8. Resources and Fire & Rescue Overview and Scrutiny Committee Additional documents: Decision: See minutes for each individual meeting. |