Agenda and minutes

Urgent Decision, Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions - Friday 17 November 2023 12.00 pm

Contact: Helen Barnsley  Senior Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Disapplication to the Secretary of State requesting 0.5% DSG funding transfer from Schools Block to High Needs Block pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Additional documents:




That the Leader of the Council


1.    Authorises the Executive Director for Resources to submit a “Disapplication” to the Secretary of State, requesting that 0.5% of the 2024/25 Dedicated Schools Grant from the Schools Block is transferred to the High Needs Block (a value of approximately £2.245m).


2. Authorises the Executive Director for Resources to approve any amendments to the online Disapplication prior to its submission at close of play on 17 November 2023.