Agenda item

West Midlands Combined Authority & Devolution for Warwickshire

A report seeking authority to undertake work to explore the option for Warwickshire County Council to become a constituent member of the West Midlands Combined Authority.


Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Isobel Seccombe


This item was considered before the other substantive agenda items so that it could be debated immediately after public speaking.


Councillor Isobel Seccombe introduced this report, drawing attention to the revised recommendation which had been tabled.


Councillor Seccombe explained that the paper authorised officers to look at the opportunities together with the risks and challenges involved in joining the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA).  Greater understanding was also needed around the governance, costs and voting arrangements that would be involved.  However, she also stressed that there may be options other than joining WMCA and the paper would allow an exploration of those also.  Councillor Seccombe highlighted the challenging timeframe set by the government for this work to be completed, together with associated consultation, in time for Warwickshire residents to be involved in the 2024 Combined Authority Mayoral elections.  She emphasised that she was not prepared to curtail preparations in order to meet the deadlines set as it was important that the decision to join was properly taken to ensure the best interests of everyone involved were met. 


Councillor John Holland stated that a key test was whether or not Warwickshire residents would be better or worse off.  He noted the challenges posed by the deadlines and whether it would be possible to complete a fair process in time.  He noted that the decision had financial implications for the district and borough councils which would require their agreement. 


Councillor Jerry Roodhouse also emphasised the need for appropriate consultation to take place. He considered that it was important to have a full understanding of what being a constituent member may involve and the disadvantages of having to compete for funding. He requested that the Head of Policy and Strategy attend group meetings to discuss the proposals.


Councillor Judy Falp echoed concerns around the timescale and ensuring there was sufficient clarity around the impact of joining the WMCA to enable a consultation with residents.


Councillor Peter Butlin noted that the Council was now operating in a changed funding landscape following the dissolution of the Local Enterprise Partnership and cessation of European Funding.  The Council had received an invitation to join the WMCA but the timescale to do so was very tight and, as this was not a decision to be rushed and the decision should be the right one for Warwickshire residents, Councillor Butlin hoped that an extension of time could be granted.


Councillors Jan Matecki and Margaret Bell noted that the paper would investigate the facts and obtain answers to the questions that were being raised.  Councillor Bell noted that there was a balance to be achieved between ensuring a robust process and taking any opportunities quickly but she hoped that if the timescale was considered too short, investigations into the options for joining WMCA could still be explored.


Councillor Tim Sinclair considered that the decision needed to be taken carefully and echoed comments about the possibility of extending the timeframe.


Councillor Seccombe stated that the timescale was a key issue driven by ensuring Warwickshire residents had a say in the upcoming Mayoral elections.  She noted the paper would allow officers to explore if the timescale could be met and, if not, what options there were to join WMCA in the future.  She assured the meeting that decisions would be made based on evidence and for the best interests of Warwickshire.  However, she was aware that there were other areas involved and the decision should not be to their detriment either.  It was important to look into the opportunity in light of changing funding streams but the risks also needed to be understood.  Group Leaders would be kept abreast of progress and a further paper would be presented to Cabinet or Council.




That Cabinet authorises the Chief Executive to undertake such work as she considers necessary, in consultation with the Leader, including the completion of a governance review and consideration of a draft Scheme, to explore the opportunity for Warwickshire County Council as a two tier authority area to become a constituent member of the West Midlands Combined Authority and other options that may be available, and for a report to be brought back to Cabinet.


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