Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Place Partnerships

To receive an update from each of the Place Partnerships on delivering the HWBB Strategy.



Dr Shade Agboola, Director of Public Health and Gemma McKinnon, Health and Wellbeing Delivery Manager presented the report to the board and confirmed the report concentrates on the relationship between the three place partnerships and the Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care System (ICS).


Dr Agboola stated that the roll of the collaboratives is to ensure that providers are working together to pool resources and work better and smarter. It is better to be working together rather than side by side resulting in better outcome for patients. Within the Coventry and Warwickshire ISC there are four provider collaboratives and two geographical collaboratives.


The board was asked to note that the provider collaboratives do have different functions but are expected to work closely together to provide the best outcomes.  The geographical collaboratives work to bring together commissioning services of health and care.


There are three place partnerships (as discussed in item three) which are in place to look at the factors that can influence our health, outside of health care such as the place and communities we live in. The three partnerships and the five district and boroughs in Warwickshire are all represented at the JSNA strategic group.


The Warwickshire Care Collaborative will be looking to place based partnerships to shape the thinking around current and future priority areas.


Following a request from the Chair for further information on the role of the collaborative, Dr Agboola confirmed that it is a group of providers that come together to work better together to pool resources. Evidence has shown that when providers work together there are better outcomes for patients. For example, out of hours GP services working together has led to a better out of hours provision for patients.


Following a question from Peter Fowler, North Warwickshire Borough Council in relation to Coventry being part of the West Midlands Combined Authority (CA) (Warwickshire is non constituent member of the CA) and how much benefit Warwickshire gets, it was confirmed that most of the partnership work is with Coventry as part of the ICS. There is an opportunity for learning from the work done by the health boards of the West Midlands CA. There is a lot of shared learning and understanding between authorities. It was confirmed that Warwickshire has no commissioning relationship with the CA.


Councillor Marian Humphreys asked how collaboration would work, for example, where you have areas with private pharmacies and pharmacies within GP surgeries. Dr Agboola confirmed that all collaboration will start with all providers at the core primary care level starting with general practice. Pharmacies and dentists will be included. It is still early days, but the intention is there.


Chris Bain, Healthwatch Warwickshire stated that the evidence-based approach is welcomed but there are concerns about the complexity of the system from a patient’s point of view – and where the best place for the patient’s voice to be heard. Dr Agboola agreed stating that having the right place for patients to be heard was important but in these early stages, getting the care provision right had to be done first.  The right place and time for patients would be identified as the structures are looked at. Chris Bain stated that there are concerns that some collaboratives are developing without any input from Healthwatch and that is concerning. Patient voices must be heard and embedded. They must be a part of decision making.


The Chair formally requested that the ICB inform the board where the patient voice is heard and acted on and that a response is provided to the board.




That the Health and Wellbeing Board notes and comments on the progress of the Health and Wellbeing Board Place-based Partnerships.

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