Councillor Isobel Seccombe introduced this report and explained that changes to the structure were proposed in order to increase capacity to cope with demands from central government. Attention was drawn to proposals around the statutory directorships and the constitutional changes that would be required as a result of the proposals around the delegations to those roles.
Councillor Peter Butlin seconded the recommendation.
Councillor Sarah Millar considered that the proposals were sensible and, noting the cost neutrality of the temporary provision, asked what the financial implications would be after 2025. Councillor Sarah Feeney also asked how the costs would be absorbed if internal recruitment was not possible and queried whether trade unions had been consulted.
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse supported the proposals in order to support the magnitude of work coming through the system.
Councillor Butlin welcomed support of the recommendations.
Councillor Seccombe advised that the changes were in the form of a two year proposal to be taken forward on an internal recruitment basis. She was confident that this would bear fruit as there were some very high calibre officers in the organisation. Councillors would be kept informed if the approach needed to change. She considered that the proposals were reflective of steps being taken by other councils which would help the Council to deal with the challenges being presented in this field.
A vote was held. The recommendation was agreed unanimously.
That Council:
1. Approves the separation of the functions of the Executive Director for People and the reconfiguration into two Executive Director roles as set out at section 5 and Appendix 1b to the report and supports the Directorate level changes made to the Council’s Directorate structures at Appendix 1a to the report.
2. Approves the appointment of the statutory officers of Director of Children’s Services (DCS) and Director of Adult Social Services (DASS) as set out at paragraph 5.8.1 of the report.
3. Approves the minor modifications to the Constitution, including officer delegations, to reflect the changes made to the Council’s organisational structure.
4. Approves an amendment to Part 2(9) of the Constitution as set out at paragraph 5.8.2 of the report to change the membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board to include the appointed statutory officers of the Director of Children’s Services (DCS) and the Director of Adult Social Services (DASS) from time to time.
5. Approves an amendment to Part A of Part 2(10) of the Constitution to increase the level of ex gratia payments to complainants that Executive Directors and Directors have authority to approve from £1,000 up to and including £2,000.
6. Approves an amendment to Part 4(5) of the Constitution to replace the Officers’ Code of Conduct with an updated version as at Appendix 2 to the report and authorises the Executive Director for Resources to make such minor consequential modifications to reflect HR best practice and guidance.
7. Approves an amendment to Part 1(9) (Finance, Contracts and Legal Matters) and Part 2(10) (Delegations to Officers) to clarify the delegations relating to the approval of special severance payments as set out at Appendix 3 to the report.
8. Authorises the Executive Director for Resources to make all the necessary changes to the Constitution arising from this report.
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