To consider and endorse the 2023 Annual Report of the Director of Public Health and the recommendations within it.
Shade Agboola, Director of Public Health, introduced the report and provided a presentation focusing on the health impacts of domestic abuse.
This was the third annual report in Warwickshire since Shade had taken up the role and she thanked everyone involved for their input which included a range of partners across the system.
Whilst the Council was required to produce a report each year, the theme to focus on could be chosen and, having asked widely, it had been agreed that this years theme would focus on Domestic Abuse. This built on previous Council publications such as the Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) strategy (2023-2026). Shade explained that the report told a fictional story of a character named Mia and her experience of domestic violence. The story was told through the words of those surrounding her and the services involved and was reflective of real-life domestic abuse experiences.
The report included data on the local picture of domestic abuse within Warwickshire and provided a range of recommendations for 2023. Following feedback on previous reports, an update on progress of the 2022 recommendations was also included.
Diane Whitfield referred to the figure advising that only 8.3% of domestic abuse recorded crimes resulted in a positive outcome and asked if there was any further information on why some recorded crimes did not progress. In response, Chief Constable Tedds explained that there were a number of reasons why a victim may not seek to continue with an investigation and assured that the Police were very mindful to listen to the voice of the victim. She advised that they worked closely with the CPS and agreed to report back to the Board via a briefing note.
Councillor Holland queried the reference to resources in the recommendations, specifically in relation to primary school meals, as he had hoped that this issue could have been acted on more quickly from last year, despite the timings in relation to budget setting. Councillor Bell reminded Councillor Holland of the progress made with regards to Free School Meals and referred him to the section of the report outlining the actions taken since last year.
Shade Agboola supported the comments from the Chair and advised that a review had taken place, a working group established and officers were currently scoping a pilot scheme in a north Warwickshire school. However, she noted the lack of synergy between some recommendations and budget setting.
Councillor Roodhouse raised the correlation between alcohol consumption and coercive behaviour, querying if any work had been carried out focusing on this. He also asked about the availability of safe spaces, such as churches or libraries, how the Council was working in partnership with organisations to advertise these and how he hoped to see more work in this area.
Shade confirmed that there was a clear correlation between alcohol and domestic violence and whilst she was not sure of the percentage of admissions, further exploration work was being carried out as part of the VAWG strategy. In relation to the level of safer accommodation available, Shade agreed to take the query away and report back to Councillor Roodhouse. Becky Hale drew Members attention to the Safe Accommodation Strategy which laid out the actions being taken across the County, detailed community venues and outlined the support on offer to enable people to stay safe at home. It was agreed that the strategy should be recirculated.
Russell Hardy recognised that domestic violence often went underreported for a variety of reasons including cultural beliefs. He fully supported the first recommendation relating to education, particularly with regard to changing male attitudes. He reiterated the need to educate young boys, making it a requirement at school to reinforce how unacceptable behaviour of this type was. In response, Nigel Minns advised that education providers were very aware of the issue, recognised the difficulties brought about social media and how some high-profile individuals made this more challenging.
Councillor Humphreys acknowledged the abuse experienced by infants and requested more information on how they could be protected.
Councillor Jo Barker agreed that domestic violence was well under reported and challenged the Police that some victims felt they were not always taken seriously. She referred to a number of women she had been supporting who needed persuading to report incidents as they did not feel enough was being done. In response, Chief Constable Tedds asked that Councillor Barker send her details of the incidents referred to, which she would look into personally. She assured that VAWG was a Police priority and was not just about enforcement but prevention as well. She reminded the meeting that abuse was a very complex and personal matter but wanted to give everyone the widest opportunity to raise fears and concerns regarding their safety.
Shade referred back to the role of education and hoped that more schools would take up the offer of training commissioned by WCC. She acknowledged the impact on babies and children and how maternity services and midwives had a role to play, along with other professionals likely to have contact with women.
Russell Hardy suggested that the Council, Police and NHS as some of the largest employers in Warwickshire could join up with a collective campaign to educate staff on safe routes and inappropriate, intimidatory behaviour.
The Chair supported this idea and proposed the recommendations as laid out in the report.
Resolved that the 2023 Annual Report of the Director of Public Health and the recommendations within it are endorsed.
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