For the Committee to consider and comment on the Quarter 1 Integrated Performance Report 2024/25.
Pete Sidgwick presented a summary of the Council’s performance at Quarter 1, which covered the period April to June 2024, against the strategic priorities and areas of focus set out in the Council Plan 2022-2027. The report provided a combined picture of the Council’s delivery, performance, finance and risk, enabling scrutiny and transparency for the organisation, partners, and the public.
The detail of the report and supporting appendices comprised:
• Progress against the Council Delivery Plan (CDP)
• Performance assessed against the Key Business Measures (KBMs) contained within the agreed Performance Management Framework (PMF)
• Management of financial resources; and
• Management of risk.
The Committee was able to monitor performance via a performance portal in the Power BI platform. A training session had taken place immediately prior to the Committee meeting on Power BI and the revised CDP and PMF.
Of the 61 activities listed in the CDP, nine were attributed to Adult Social Care and Health. The quarter one results showed a strong start to the year with 89% (8) of these being on track and 11% (1) at risk. Appendix one and subsequent sections of the report gave more information about progress. The 2024/25 PMF contained 67 KBMs. There were nine KBMs within the remit of this Committee, and eight were available for reporting this quarter, the remaining measure being due for reporting later in the year. The trend information was also positive.
The KBM ‘not on track’ concerned the percentage of people open to Adult Social Care with eligible needs, living in the community with support who were over the age of 65. The trend had been declining and the forecast position for the next reporting period was to remain stable. The overall position was positive, and context was provided of the challenges of the current operating environment.
Looking at finance, at the end of quarter one the services were forecasting a cumulative net service overspend of £15.105m, equivalent to 6.1% of the revenue budget. Saving targets were forecast to be underachieved by £0.422m or 6% of the current year’s target. The delivery of the planned capital programme remained on track.
In terms of risk, these were monitored at both the strategic and service level. For the Council overall, there were nine strategic risks, with three rated as ‘red’ or high level. This included one highlighted for this committee, on a mismatch between demand and resources. It was not distinct to this service area but was more directly related to it. At a service level there were 15 risks and no key risks highlighted which were ‘red’ (high risk).
The Council continued to operate in a challenging and rapidly changing environment, with the financial outlook in the short to medium-term impacting on the Council’s resources. Performance reporting would continue to track and highlight delivery and performance to inform prioritisation of activity and resources.
Questions and comments were invited, with responses provided as indicated:
It was agreed that the above comments be submitted in response to the Quarter one 2024/25 performance report.
Supporting documents: