Kate Harker, Head of Older People
Commissioning provided a presentation to the Committee. This
outlined the development of the new Adult
Social Care Strategy which was in its early stages. The
presentation included the following slides:
- Why produce an Adult Social Care
- What will it look like?
- Context for the Strategy
- Strengths
- Challenges
- A note about engagement,
consultation and co-production
- Strategy – emerging
overarching priorities
- Emerging areas of focus under
'Safeguarding, Supported and Satisfied'
- Sustaining and building our strength
based approach
- Proposed solutions we anticipate
will feature in the Strategy
- Any comments on the
overall approach and development of the strategy
- Timeline for drafting, engagement
and governance
The following
questions and comments were submitted, with responses provided as
- A member spoke of the challenges and
workforce pressures faced. It was questioned if the minimum wage
and reduced numbers of overseas care workers was having an impact.
Kate Harker explained the annual inflationary increases in pay
rates and for service provider funding. There had been workforce
pressures, and care workers from abroad were employed. Currently
there was bed capacity and providers had the staffing levels
required to deliver services.
- The Chair commented that brokerage
was important. In some cases, people had to move when their current
placement could no longer be funded.
Kate Harker gave an outline of how brokerage would work, through
specialist staff negotiating with providers for each placement to
agree an appropriate price for the care required. The brokerage
approach may ensure that care rates remained broadly the same and
did not escalate, which would be viewed as a successful
- Reference to the five district and
borough council local plans, it being questioned if the
Adult Social Care Strategy was
integral to them. Significant population growth was predicted and
as people got older, they would need more support. The member
referred to assistive technology, reminding of the projects of two
NHS providers to support people at home. Social Care should join
with the NHS in developing joint strategies to help people to be
supported at home. This would improve quality and bring cost
savings. It may be a role for this Committee to monitor.
- Pete Sidgwick reminded that this was
an Adult Social Care strategy. The strategy was likely to reflect
the work that was already taking place, including that required by
the Care Act. However, there may be opportunities to do things
better, in a more integrated way and to hear from service users and
residents. Moving to how the strategy would be delivered, the
assistive technology approach was a key factor to enable people to
be as independent as possible. Such technology was already in use
and there was a wish to innovate and to improve. Becky Hale spoke
about housing with care, linking even more with districts and
boroughs on the local plans and the opportunities through this
strategy to develop the housing that would be needed for future
residents. The Chair added that all councils had adopted the Health
and Wellbeing Strategy, which required viewing everything from a
health and wellbeing perspective. Monitoring by the appropriate
portfolio holder of each district/borough council should improve
the integration of this strategy with local plans.
- Chris Bain spoke of the pressures
created through an imbalance between demand and capacity. There was
a need to understand what was driving both aspects. He would like
to see more emphasis on the role of carers and support for them, as
the role of carers was crucial to the strategy’s success, and
he urged it was given a slightly higher profile.
- A comment that this was an inspired
vision for a vast service supporting the most vulnerable residents.
It was questioned how closely the CQC rating was examined when
commissioning services. People were being discharged from hospital
with more complex needs. A question on how the Council ensured the
correct training was provided for those delivering care at home.
Becky Hale confirmed that CQC ratings were checked when seeking
tenders for services. Regular checks were made on the ratings of
all commissioned services. Other mechanisms were the risk-based
approach used by the quality assurance team and there was a service
escalation panel which cut across both health and social care where
there were concerns about provider quality. It was important to
receive feedback from elected members and the public to inform of
any concerns. It was confirmed that there were some care providers
rated by the CQC as ‘Requires Improvement’.
- The presentation had shown the focus
on empowering service users. Some slight changes were suggested to
the language used which officers found helpful. It was also about
how the information and advice was provided. The aim was to help
people to remain independent. As their care and support needs
increased, it was about maintaining independence, choice and
control as much as possible. This had proved most challenging for
those in care with significant and intensive care needs. The aim
was to look at what could be improved. Pete Sidgwick added that the
language was important, it needed to be consistent and be part of
the ‘golden thread’ referenced in all the written
materials. For the final strategy, this needed to be written from
the resident’s perspective.
- People with dementia should not be
viewed as complex customers. They were on a journey and needed to
be supported by carers or family members in all health and care
settings, but this was not recognised by some staff. A request that
this was referenced in the strategy, which was viewed a helpful
point. In care settings, some individuals had complex behaviours so
securing better, tailored provision was a particular aim of the
- A member asked how views on service
improvements would be sought and if such research would be ongoing.
The member noted the aims for co-production of the strategy, and
the constraints referenced, asking if this could be a barrier to
co-production. Kate Harker outlined the approaches to engagement on
the strategy. Staff were being trained so they could hold
‘ordinary’ conversations with service users, aimed at
gathering information on how they viewed their care, and what could
be improved. This approach would give detailed feedback. There was
work with providers too and staff would attend events like coffee
mornings, group activities in care settings or at community centres
to gather such feedback. Good co-production was continuous, to
ensure that the services remained of good quality. This was a core
role for Commissioning and the Quality Assurance Team. Realistically, this process was engagement, and it
might identify gaps and potential improvement areas. An example was
used to show how this in turn could lead to co-production. Becky
Hale added that through the strategy, areas for improvement would
be identified. The Council could commit to a co-production approach
for the review of those areas with an example used to illustrate
- The Chair referred to the timeline
for production of the strategy, asking how the Committee could
assist. She suggested a round table meeting may be useful to give
more focus away from the formal committee setting, as there was a
lot of experience between members and Healthwatch.
The Committee noted the presentation.