Agenda item

Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service Future Operating Model

A report presenting the outcome of the public consultation and rationale for the future Operating Model of the WFRS.


Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Andy Crump


This item was considered first on the agenda.


Councillor Andy Crump, Portfolio Holder for Fire and Rescue, outlined the report which proposed Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Services future operating model.  He reminded Members that the report had been considered at the Resources and Fire and Rescue Overview and Scrutiny Committee in June 2024, where Members had heard from a number of public speakers.


Councillor Crump outlined the lengthy consultation process that had taken place across the County, the interested parties involved and the level of responses received.  The feedback from residents had resulted in the different model being proposed.  He advised that should there be any changes to the community risk management plan, these would be submitted to full Council. 


Councillor Crump explained the four challenges currently being faced by Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service (WFRS) and described how the alternative model, 2A, aimed to overcome these challenges.  The benefits included a guaranteed fourteen fire appliances in the day and thirteen at night, first engine response times would be improved on average by 58 seconds and an increased capacity to deliver Prevention and Protection activity.  In addition, an additional 30 wholetime firefighter positions would be created.


The report detailed the £1.757m funding required to fund Model A, from the Revenue Investment Fund, for the three year resourcing model proposed.


Councillor Seccombe thanked all involved for a very thorough and comprehensive report and consultation process.  She referred to the changing demography of the area along with the previous challenges faced in recruiting more on-call firefighters.  Councillor Seccombe paid credit to the community of Bidford whose input had helped to shape the model being put forward.  In response to Penny Barry’s question, she advised that she did feel this was a solution that met the needs of a changing society with less fire incidents and more road traffic incidents being experienced. 


The Leader concluded by commending the staff of WFRS, full time and on call, for the work they carried out to help people continue to stay safe in their own homes.


Councillor Sarah Boad also commended the consultation process, which she felt had been carried out well and taken seriously by all participants.  She thanked the portfolio holder for the additional information requested at the recent scrutiny meeting but queried some of the detail in the heat maps for the southeast area of Warwickshire.  She also referred to the presence of tower blocks in her area, the time it may take a second fire engine to attend and the loss of 24-hour cover in Kenilworth.


Councillor Boad raised a concern about the finances and where this money may be sourced from in future years.  She concluded by acknowledging the potential loss of employment for on-call fire fighters and the experience they would take with them.  She reiterated her request that the consultation exercise be repeated as she felt this plan was radically different from the initial proposal.


Councillor John Holland was impressed with the quality of the Fire Service and the speed and accuracy of their response.  He referred to the annual awards ceremony which recognised the service of staff in dangerous work.  He went on to speak about the newly elected representatives in the area, who had heard concerns most recently from residents, which he felt should be reconciled before a final decision was made.


Councillor Crump addressed a number of the comments made and provided clarification on the response times for the south of the county.  He reiterated that the Chief Fire Officer, having received expert advice and drawing on his experience, had concluded that this model was the best option to address the resilience levels in Warwickshire.  The proposal would be reviewed regularly to monitor operations and improve cover and response times. He felt strongly that repeating the consultation exercise would cause further uncertainty for fire service staff and this was the best model to move forwards with, having listened to the feedback received.  He reiterated the importance of not impinging on the Chief Fire Officer’s operational independence.


The Leader added her support, commending the Chief Fire Officer, his team and participants of the consultation.  She referred to the requirements from the Inspectorate and reiterated the importance of the service to residents.


In response to a query relating to the Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP), the Chief Executive advised that it was a requirement to produce a CRMP covering at least three years, and the County Council’s was a five year plan.  Once a decision had been taken, the document would be reviewed and, if changes were required, these would be submitted to Council in due course, although there was no formal requirement to do so.


Councillor Crump added his praise and support to the control room staff and non-operational teams, welcoming the job opportunities being created with this proposal.  He therefore, proposed the recommendations as laid out.


The Leader thanked all who had attended the meeting in person and those online who had contributed to the process to date.




That Cabinet


1)    Agrees the adoption of Model A as the Service’s operating model for the Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service (WFRS);


2)    Recommends to Council any such consequential changes that may be required to the Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) as a result of adopting Model A;


3)    Approves the allocation of £1.757m from the Revenue Investment Fund to fund the new WFRS operating Model A;


4)    Agrees in principle the allocation of £0.460m from the Capital Investment Fund, and its addition to the Capital Programme, for building alterations required as a result of implementing the new operating model, subject to the completion of a full business case considered satisfactory to the Executive Director for Resources; and


5)    Requests a review of the impact of the model not less than one year after implementation.

Supporting documents: