Agenda item

Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service - Community Risk Management Plan


That Council approves the updated Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service Community Risk Management Plan as set out in Section 3 of the report and Appendix 1 to the report.


Councillor Andy Crump (Portfolio Holder for Fire and Rescue and Community Safety) moved the recommendation as set out in the report.  In doing so, he noted that there had been a high degree of openness and transparency around the Resourcing to Risk consultation and as a result it was felt appropriate to bring to Council this amendment to the Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) which was made as a result of the new operating model. 


Councillor Adrian Warwick seconded the recommendation.




Councillor Sarah Boad moved an amendment which sought the addition of two sentences to the proposed resolution “The Community Risk Management Plan Assurance Panel be asked to look at the new KBM in 3.31 in the report and consider how it can accurately report the range of attendance times that make up the mean average. The Community Risk Management Plan Assurance Panel should report its findings to the Resources and Fire & Rescue Overview and Scrutiny Committee.”  In doing so Councillor Boad complimented the process associated with the Resourcing to Risk consultation but considered that sufficient notice of this report being brought to Council had not been given.  She noted that the issue of mean average attendance times had been raised frequently through the consultation as it was felt the figures could be deceptive and she was, therefore, seeking for the CRMP Assurance Panel to consider the most effective and transparent way of reporting attendance times.


The amendment was seconded by Councillor Kate Rolfe who reserved her right to speak.




During the course of the debate, councillors made the following points:


  • In addition to the concerns of residents in South Warwickshire around response times, residents in Nuneaton and Bedworth were also concerned around the location of appliances. 
  • It was questioned whether there was sufficient resilience in place to meet the demands that increasing flooding was placing on the service.
  • Resources and Fire and Rescue Overview and Scrutiny Committee already took an active interest in the performance figures of the Fire and Rescue Service and as part of this it was important that there were comparable figures between Services.  Oversight of performance should therefore remain with existing Scrutiny mechanisms.


Councillor Kate Rolfe considered that those councillors representing divisions in the south of the county (especially Shipston, Tysoe, Wellesbourne and Bidford) which would be most disadvantaged by the mean average reporting, should support the motion.


Councillor Adrian Warwick considered that the change to performance indicators brought the service into line with the measures used by the Office for National Statistics.  Councillor Warwick also thanked the Fire and Rescue Service for its response to pressures caused by flooding. 


Making her reply, Councillor Sarah Boad expressed disappointment at the short debate.  She considered the issue to be fundamental to the safety and protection of every resident in Warwickshire and whilst it was a service most would never use, it was of great comfort to all.  She considered that the amendment would provide an opportunity to consider the best way to present the information to Scrutiny for review and the Liberal Democrat group would be unable to support the original Motion without a commitment to review the new KBM.


In response, Councillor Crump responded that the Resourcing to Risk Consultation had been about ensuring the right resources were available at the right times, that this was not an opportunity to rerun those issues and that Members had engaged with him informally during the consultation.  He echoed the views of Councillors Sinclair and Warwick regarding the scrutiny of the performance measures and noted that the new measure was utilised by the Office for National Statistics and the Home Office and had raised no objections from His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS).   In terms of the timing for bringing this report, Councillor Crump considered it provided a timely close to the process.




A vote was held on the Liberal Democrat group amendment which was lost.


A vote was held on the original motion which was agreed by a majority.




That Council approves the updated Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service Community Risk Management Plan as set out in Section 3 of the report and Appendix 1 to the report.


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