Deborah McGarvey, Team Manager - Voice, Influence & Change, presented the report to the panel, highlighted several significant events from the past few months.
On 28th February, the launch of the Hey Foster Carer booklet took place at Old Shire Hall in Warwick. The booklet aims to promote fostering across Warwickshire and demonstrate that all voices are being heard. The booklet gives an insight into fostering from all sides. Children in care spoke at the launch event and spoke about their experiences.
Umar Teerab, Family Support Worker, updated the panel on the recent Warwickshire Youth Council elections. 66 young people stood for election and the voting was held on line between the 1st and 28th of February 2024. The target had been to get 1000 votes; the final count was 1314 votes. Two videos were shown to the panel – one with out-going youth councillors giving feedback on their experiences and what they were all most proud of. The second video showed newly elected youth councillors talking about what they were most looking forward to.
Marie Dionisi, Family Support Worker updated the panel in relation to the “Wrong Size Fits All” film launch on the 5th March. The film highlights the experiences children and young people with SEND face within educational settings and aims to promote an understanding of their needs. The panel noted that the kay message of the film was that if you don’t feel safe at school how can you be expected to learn. The film was also shown at the recent Head Teachers Conference and the SEND Conference and was very well received. It was noted that the film has had over 21 thousand views and that Cambridge City Council has requested permission to share the film on their website. The panel noted that the film could also be used to highlight the needs of children in care or children with trauma experience.
Councillor Marian Humphreys confirmed that some schools within Warwickshire were also using the film as an additional support to their staff and asked how Warwickshire Councillors could make sure that the film was seen by all schools and as many people as possible? Marie Dionisi confirmed that the best way would be to keep talking about it, keep showing at as many events as possible. It was noted that it had only premiered on the 5th March 2024, but that it already spreading quickly, and positively. The young people in the film had expressed an interest in going into schools to talk about the film and their experience but it was noted that this may not be logistically possible; especially given that exam season is approaching.
Anne-Marie Kennedy, Clinical Lead in School Nursing, asked if the School Nursing Team had been made aware of the film and if they were on board. Leah Adams, Head of Early Years & School Effectiveness confirmed that work was already taking place with early years teams and that moving forward this will include the nursing teams.
Sharon Shaw, Head of Corporate Parenting, confirmed to the panel that an event was being held on the 13th April 2024 in relation to Siblings Day. Brothers and sisters in care, and those who may not be in care, are all invited to the event being held at Myton Park, Warwick, as well as all foster families and their children. It was agreed that the flyer would be circulated to the panel.
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