That Council approves the allocation of £20.155 million from the Capital Investment Fund towards the provision of school places as outlined in the report and its addition to the capital programme for that purpose.
Councillor Kam Kaur (Portfolio Holder for Education) moved the recommendation as set out in the report. In doing so, she recognised the links to the previous two reports on the agenda and highlighted that over 2000 places would be required over the next five years. She noted the increase in the cost of schemes but that the traditional means of funding them (through the basic needs grant and section 106 monies) did not always meet the total cost of projects, leading to a funding gap of £20.155m and it was therefore proposed to add this figure to the capital programme.
In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Peter Butlin noted the reasons for the funding gap, highlighting that the basic needs grant did not reflect the inflationary costs of projects that had been seen in the last few years and the proposed use of the Capital Investment Fund to bridge the gap. He noted efforts to limit the increase in costs through retendering when costs were high and, in commending the paper, he expressed hope that the new government would seek to address the funding gap but in the meantime the proposed approach would safeguard provision of school places in the county for the next 5 years.
During the course of the debate, councillors made the following points:
In response to questions raised during the debate, Councillor Kaur responded that:
A vote was held. The motion was carried unanimously.
That Council approves the allocation of £20.155 million from the Capital Investment Fund towards the provision of school places as outlined in the report and its addition to the capital programme for that purpose.
Supporting documents: