Agenda item

RBC/23CC003 Rugby Parkway Station Outline Application to include Access only


The item was introduced by David Cooper (Planning Officer). He outlined some of the details of the proposed development, including a footbridge, lifts, new highway access to create a fourth arm of the existing junction, pedestrian and cyclist crossings, and a car park for up to 325 vehicles that included electric vehicle charging points. He reminded members this was an outline application and all matters, except for access, were reserved at this stage. This included the landscaping, which was proposed to include a surface SUDS scheme, attenuation ponds and a mixture of trees and shrubs. Members were told the adjacent housing development was still under construction.


Members were told the principle of the development had been established through the Warwickshire Railway Strategy 2019-34 and the Rugby Borough Local Plan, and the proposals were congruent with those policies. The proposed station would connect to the West Coast mainline between London Euston and Birmingham. There would be two trains per hour in each direction.


Regarding the new point of access, the junction would be upgraded to include cycle and pedestrian crossings. A road safety audit would take place as part of the indicative design process and was not intended to be the final version of the design layout.


There had been objections relating to the impact of overflow parking onto neighbouring residential areas. David Cooper said the residential areas that were currently occupied were generally free of parked cars, although there were some issues with vehicles parking on pavements. Each house was allocated two parking spaces. As part of the transport modelling assessment, a radius of 450 metres around the car park would be examined to see if any parking issues might arise there, and if there might be a need to introduce residents-only parking schemes. The assessment would look at where traffic arriving at the station was coming from. It was anticipated much of it would come from the M1 and/or A5.


Councillor Warwick said he had spoken to the local member, who said residents had raised concerns over parking and had asked for assurances the proposals would not create any issues. Additionally it was hoped there would not be an increase in traffic on residential roads and cars travelling to the station would use main or relief roads. Councillor Warwick added however that residents were generally supportive of the scheme.


The Chair reminded members that under the National Planning Policy Framework, there was an assumption in favour of sustainable development. He said the proposals were in line with the relevant strategic transport plan and rail plan for Warwickshire. The County Council was the applicant. The Chair said the proposals were also in line with the West Midlands Combined Authority’s wider transport connectivity plans.


David Cooper said the proposals included a number of conditions, which included the requirement for there to be a travel plan that determined when there would be vehicle movements during the construction phase, and for suitable schemes that dealt with clearance of dust and mud. The conditions would also look at whether or not it was necessary for any traffic regulation orders to be implemented.


Councillor Sinclair said the Stratford Parkway station was within his ward and there had been numerous issues with it, including parking, maintenance, costs, and lack of use. David Cooper said Stratford Parkway had been used as a case study to inform and influence the proposals for Rugby Parkway. Additionally, the Warwickshire Railway Strategy had been examined in public and the evidence had demonstrated the site as being suitable for development. More houses had been built at Houlton since the Strategy had been published.  David Cooper said some of the conditions at this stage related to sustainability requirements, in terms of transport and environment. He confirmed there was scope for the car park to have its capacity increased in due course if necessary.


Councillor Clarke proposed a motion to accept the recommendation, as per the officer report. This was seconded by Councillor Cooke.


Resolved unanimously


That the Regulatory Committee authorised the grant of Outline planning permission all matters reserved save Access considered; modifications to existing highways including creation of fourth arm to existing junction on Crick Road; pedestrian footways and for construction of a two-platform parkway railway station including footbridge, ramp, pedestrian lifts, provision of up to 325 parking spaces for cars and electric vehicles, parking for motorcycles, cycles, and taxis and other associated works including new crossings for pedestrians and cyclists. Creation of a bus stop facility. Construction of facilities ancillary to the station including, lighting, soft and hard landscaping, surface and subsurface drainage, utilities and other services, boundary treatment, signage, and other associated works, subject to the conditions and for the reasons contained within Appendix B of the report of the Strategic Director for Communities.

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