Agenda item

Updates from Waste Partners


Ruth Dixon (Waste Strategy and Commissioning Manager) provided an update in respect of the trial scheme proposed to be undertaken at Cherry Orchard Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) in Kenilworth to encourage sorting of recyclable from non-recyclable materials. She advised the scheme was due to commence in February 2020 and that a less busy time of year had been chosen to improve conditions for the trial. She explained that the principle of the initiative was to encourage users of the HWRC to pre-sort waste items in order to improve recycling rates and prevent loss of recyclable materials; a sorting space would be made available at the facility to encourage this practice.


Ruth Dixon reported that publicity material for the initiative had adopted the tagline “let’s sort it together” and that efforts had been made to emphasise the positive local benefits of the scheme. She advised that the project would be launched with a banner and ‘meet and greet’ representatives at the HWRC entrance; the facility would be well staffed to ensure smooth operation of the new arrangement. She explained that if the trial was a success it would be introduced in the County’s other HWRCs.


In response to Councillor Kondakor, Ruth Dixon advised that Leamington Spa Repair Café had been consulted alongside All Together Greener in Kenilworth. Andrew Pau (Strategy and Commissioning Manager, Waste & Environment) added that an objective of the scheme was to remove electrical items from the waste stream and if possible, to test items for resale by Age UK.


Dan Green (Head of Environment and Public Realm, Rugby Borough Council) observed that the range of materials identified as recyclable at the HWRC differs from that specified as recyclable for kerbside collection. He suggested that this distinction be emphasised in the promotional literature. Ruth Dixon indicated that a draft copy of the “let’s sort it together” leaflet would be made available and that input from Partners would be welcomed for improvements in future trials.


Ruth Dixon advised that the Warwickshire Waste Partnership Conference 2020 was scheduled for 11 March 2020 at Shire Hall, Warwick; the theme of the event would be waste and climate change. The Partnership was shown a draft programme for comment.


In response to Councillor Norris, the Chair advised that WCC’s Climate Emergency Report had not yet been made available to the public, she was supportive of presenting a unified message across the six authorities but emphasised that the process initiated by the declaration of a climate emergency was still in its first phase. The Chair emphasised that the Conference was an opportunity for ideas sharing rather than decision making.


Craig Bourne (Contracts Manager (Streetscene), Stratford-on-Avon District Council) requested that consideration of the new Warwickshire Waste Partnership Strategy be included as an agenda item at the next meeting of the Partnership and at the Conference.


Councillor Norris advised that Warwick District Council had liaised with 14 potential waste contractors and received three tender responses with a view to renewing contracts from April 2021. He advised that options for electric vehicles had been considered.


Councillor Shenton emphasised the value of school visits to raise awareness of recycling and waste practices and suggested that a common approach across the County would present benefits. Councillor Bell commented that Mars Wrigley offered an educational programme to schools to discourage littering. She suggested that the Partnership could notify schools of this service. The Chair agreed that the subject merited attention and should be developed by the Waste Partnership at future meetings.


The Chair referred to work in progress to consider the cost of collecting and disposing of food waste and its impact on the environment. She commented that the current data was incomplete and showed some irregularities. She requested that further consideration be given by Partners to the longer-term outlook for arrangements for partnership working.




Ruth Dixon indicated that a draft copy of the “let’s sort it together” leaflet would be circulated to Partners.

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