Agenda item

Children and Young People’s Emotional well-being and Mental Health Services Task and Finish Group

The Children and Young People’s Emotional well-being and Mental Health Services Task and Finish Group has concluded its review. The review report, its conclusions and recommendations are submitted for the joint Committee’s consideration.


Councillor Pete Gilbert (Chair of the Task and Finish Group) introduced the report and informed the Joint Committee that the Task and Finish Group (TFG) had been an enjoyable experience that had drawn views and facilitated debate between the experienced members who comprised the membership of the group. Members noted the evidence gathering process that was outlined in the appended report.


Councillor Gilbert informed the joint Committee that the recommendations made by the TFG were outlined in the appended report and emphasised that the performance of the new children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health services contract should be scrutinised on an ongoing basis (due to the contract only currently being in its implementation phase). Councillor Gilbert then invited members of the TFG to address the meeting where the following points were noted:


·         Members acknowledged that CAMHS had been an issue for several years – members of the TFG were hopeful after completing the TFG process that real progress could be made during the life of the current contract.


·         Members of the TFG implored their colleagues to support the recommendations, emphasising that the provision of IT support in relation to the Dimensions Tool could serve to ensure that the Tool became truly fit for purpose. Council support would ensure that the Tool became easier to use – assisting in triaging young people to the correct areas of the CAMHS service.


·         Members of the TFG expressed concern for those young people who have been in the CAMHS system for an extended period of time – it would be crucial that the new contract sought to ensure that these people were seen and treated quickly and appropriately.


·         The time sensitive nature of this TFG had meant that the group were unable to meet with service users – members felt it would be important to hear the views of service users at future Overview and Scrutiny meetings.


·         Members of the TFG expressed a view that the recommendations outlined in the report reflected what needed to happen to ensure that the progress of the contract was effectively monitored and that the Dimensions Tool was completely fit for purpose.


·         The remaining areas of concern from members of the TFG (and as such areas which scrutiny may wish to monitor) were: Awaiting to see if the contract would deliver a decrease in waiting times and ensuring that the Dimensions Tool was developed to a sufficient level as to remain fit for purpose.


The Joint Committee acknowledged that it would be important to convene on a sixmonthly basis to meet with officers with responsibility for delivering the new contract to monitor its effectiveness and also to meet with service users to determine what their experiences of the service were.


Councillor Jeff Morgan, Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services informed the joint Committee that he supported the recommendations as specified in the report and was supportive of these recommendations being considered by Cabinet so that a decision could be taken.




That the Joint Committee:


1)    Agrees to endorse the recommendations (page 6 of Appendix A) of the Children & Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Services Task and Finish Group and refers the document for the consideration of Cabinet to consider the recommendations made for actions by the County Council and external partners.


The recommendations are as follows:


(i)            That Cabinet is recommended to offer IT and Communications support to assist with the development of the Dimensions Tool; namely access to an IT specialist to help develop and support the programme. The Communications Team to offer guidance on how the Tool is promoted and how users can be appropriately signposted to access the Tool.

(ii)          That Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust (CWPT) reports back on a six-monthly basis to joint meetings of the Children and Young People and Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committees to update members on the following performance aspects:

      CWPT will update members on their performance against their Key Performance Indicators.

      CWPT will highlight any achievements (including how they have been made) and any areas of concern (including how they will be remedied).

      CWPT will update members on how children looked after are accessing mental health services.

Supporting documents: