A report that sets out arrangements for the future of Trinity School in Leamington.
That Cabinet:
1. Notes the report and the proposed structural solution for Trinity Catholic School including the financial risks, associated with the current position and long-term sustainability.
2. Agrees the structural solution put forward for Trinity Catholic Secondary School as an Academy converter based on an options appraisal that includes the implications of doing nothing.
3. Authorises the Strategic Director for Communities in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Education and Learning to negotiate the conditions that need to be met to enable the structural solution to be achieved including the accumulated deficit budget in line with the protocol for Schools with Deficit Budgets on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources.
Councillor Colin Hayfield (Portfolio Holder for Education and Learning) informed Cabinet that Trinity School had been a cause of concern for a number of years. The recommendations before the meeting offered a fresh start. Extensive work had been undertaken to identify a sustainable future for the school and with the agreement of Cabinet a consultation exercise on the proposals would be undertaken in the Autumn.
Councillor Bill Gifford expressed his sympathy to those who had concerns over the changing ethos of the school. It was, in the past, the liberal Catholic ethos that prevailed at the school that encouraged pupils to think and question. That ethos helped lead to the school being oversubscribed. Councillor Gifford expressed some doubt about the academy structure but acknowledged that this was the direction the school would take. Leamington needs a good Catholic school he suggested. At the present time, declining rolls mean that the school is becoming less viable. Councillor Gifford then raised concerns over reports that part of the school’s playing fields could be sold off.
Councillor Helen Adkins commented on the effectiveness of the Interim Executive Board (IEB), stating that it had been ineffective and had eroded the ethos of the school. A call was made for a review of the use of IEBs in Warwickshire. She observed that in the Leamington area schools that were over subscribed had been allowed to take additional pupils whilst there remained places at Trinity School.
In response to Councillor Adkins, Councillor Izzi Seccombe explained that the IEB had been put in place because there were concerns regarding the school’s finances. Cabinet was reminded that Trinity School comes under the Coventry Diocese.
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse acknowledged that there was a possible solution to the school’s difficulties on offer. However, he stressed the need to press the school on its ethos and its buildings. The Diocese should be held to account and made to take more responsibility for the school. In addition. The proposed consultation exercise should be widely promoted to ensure that a good body of evidence is gathered on which any decisions are made.
Councillor Colin Hayfield, responding to Emma Golbourn (public speaker), noted that the County Council will continue to be responsible for special education provision at the school. He disputed any suggestion that the school was heading towards greater financial difficulties. The sixth form and Peter’s Place would be safe. The key outcome was that the school would remain Roman Catholic. Regarding changes to the ethos of the school, Councillor Hayfield suggested that whenever the headship of a school changes so will its ethos. Councillor Hayfield observed that whenever a school is academized the land becomes the property of whoever is running the school. This constitutes a major “land grab” but is not something the Council can control.
That Cabinet:
1. Notes the report and the proposed structural solution for Trinity Catholic School including the financial risks, associated with the current position and long-term sustainability.
2. Agrees the structural solution put forward for Trinity Catholic Secondary School as an Academy converter based on an options appraisal that includes the implications of doing nothing.
3. Authorises the Strategic Director for Communities in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Education and Learning to negotiate the conditions that need to be met to enable the structural solution to be achieved including the accumulated deficit budget in line with the protocol for Schools with Deficit Budgets on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources.
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