Agenda item

One Organisational Plan Quarterly Performance Progress Reports

The One Organisational Plan reports will be submitted for the end of year 2019/20 and at quarter one of 2020/21.


The committee received two quarterly progress reports, which were supplemented by a presentation from Pete Sidgwick, Assistant Director for Adult Social Care.


The One Organisational Plan (OOP) Year-end performance report for the period April 1st, 2019 to March 31st, 2020 was considered and approved by Cabinet on 9th July. The report provided an overview of progress of the key elements of the OOP, specifically in relation to performance against key business measures (KBMs), strategic risks and workforce management. A separate financial monitoring report for the period covering both the revenue and capital budgets, reserves and delivery of the savings plan was presented and considered at the Cabinet meeting held in June 2020.


A tailored report was provided for the services under the committee’s remit. This included strategic context and a performance commentary, assessed against the KBMs. Further detail was provided of remedial actions implemented in areas of lower performance. A financial commentary was also provided on the revenue budget, delivery of the 2017-20 savings plan and the capital programme.   


Questions and comments were invited. The focus on women smoking in pregnancy at the time of delivery was welcomed. In the north of Warwickshire, nearly one in five women smoked during pregnancy. It was understood that at GEH there was little focus on this area and targeted action was required at antenatal services.  Officers replied that the Public Health had targets for this area, which were being achieved at quarter one of the current monitoring period. This had been a focus at the recent Health and Wellbeing Board too, with a range of actions being agreed and that report would be shared with the committee.


Next, the committee considered the corresponding report for the period 1st April to 30th June 2020. This was considered and approved by Cabinet on 10th September 2020. The report provided the same information as shown for the year-end report. This also included the strategic context and a performance commentary, with details of the high-level outcomes within the Council Plan 2020-25, the monitoring of KBMs and the current position on the nine KBMs within the remit of the committee. Further detail was provided on performance of KBMs that was worthy of note and two areas which were not currently ‘on track’ at the end of quarter one. A financial commentary was also provided on the revenue budget, delivery of the savings plan and the capital programme.   


Questions and comments were submitted, with responses provided as indicated:


  • On the financial commentary there was a forecast £2m overspend for the disability service. There was likely to be increasing service demands for mental health services and associated costs.  There was an underspend of just under £2m on residential nursing, due to reduced demand in care homes. It was questioned if there were concerns for the future of the care market. In response, officers explained the difficulties in separating costs attributable to the Covid-19 pandemic from those which were increases in service demand. Overall, it was considered that expenditure levels were relatively stable, with increases in some areas offset by reductions elsewhere. An example was given of the changes required due to revised hospital discharge guidance. There had been a reduction in residential care admissions. By providing earlier interventions this enabled people to return to home with appropriate support, reducing the demand for care home placements. The longer-term need for care home placements would have to be assessed, with context provided on the low base demand in Warwickshire compared to other areas.  
  • An area of concern was the reduction in the standards of care and nursing homes. The data had been impacted by the CQC ceasing inspections due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Where the CQC had rated a care home as ‘requires improvement’, those improvements may have been made, but the lack of reinspection prevented the improvements being recognised formally and this situation would continue until the CQC recommenced inspections. Officers reminded of the points raised earlier in the meeting and the actions through a number of agencies to support care homes.
  • A question if extra care housing schemes had been delayed by Covid-19. Officers confirmed that the programme of schemes was unchanged and could be circulated to the committee. The Portfolio Holder added that a review of provision was taking place currently and he updated on a new facility at Bishopton. 
  • Geographical issues from migration of people moving between Coventry and Warwickshire. In terms of care responsibilities, these remained with the authority where the person had lived previously. Data for this area was quite stable.




That the Committee notes the reports.

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