1) Recent Awards
Councillor Alan Cockburn (Chair of Council) stated, “Warwickshire County Council has won a national award for a project to support new and expectant parents who are care leavers. The National Leaving Care Bench Marking Forum (NLCBMF) announced Warwickshire as joint winners of the Best Project Award at a virtual event during Care Leavers Week on 21 October.
The Baby Box Project, led by Liss Philips was launched earlier this year. It was set up to provide useful supplies to help care experienced young people who have recently become parents. Boxes include essential items such as nappies, wipes, new-born clothes, thermometers, bibs, towels and other necessities and also provides the young parents with financial support to help them buy items such as a cot, buggy or car seat. To further support care leavers, the project has a Young Parents Forum that is led by young people to raise awareness of the service and to discuss issues that are important to young parents. The project, along with other support during the COVID-19 pandemic has supported numerous young people, during challenging times. ?A young person who received a baby box during lockdown said: “I love all of it, it’s so useful. I am very grateful and appreciative of the gesture.” The team at the council has worked incredibly hard bringing the project together and promoting Warwickshire’s role as Corporate Parents, and now Corporate Grandparents, to care for inexperienced young people in Warwickshire.
Umar Teerab, a Family Support Worker at WCC, and a care leaver and previously an Unaccompanied Asylum Seeker, also won an award from the NLCBMF for Champion of the Year 2020 for his contribution to supporting other young care leavers”
Councillor Jeff Morgan (Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services) congratulated Liss Philips and Umar Teerab on their respective achievements adding that children and families are at the heart of the County Council.
Umar and Liss were then invited to address Council.
Umar described how he had come to the United Kingdom in 2013 as an unaccompanied asylum seeker. At that time he spoke no English. He rapidly set about learning the language winning an award from Coventry City College in 2016. In 2017 he commenced a car mechanics course but in 2018 he applied for and obtained a a role with Warwickshire County Council. In 2019 he won the Apprentice of the Year Award and at the same time he completed his apprenticeship.
Umar explained how he received much support and been encouraged to push himself. His aim is to achieve as much in life as is possible.
Liss Philips a care experienced parent and family support worker thanked Council for the invitation to address the meeting. Liss was pleased to see her recent award being recognised. Council was informed that career development opportunities are available for care experienced parents. Liss added that the past can cloud people’s views and there is a need to level the playing field to enable people to prosper. There was no shame to be had being a care experienced parent and she considered she is a good role model for her son.
She had received much support from Warwickshire County Council. In particular Liss singled out Shinderpaul Bhangal from the Children and Families Team for his encouragement and support.
2) Death of Miles Marriott and Andrew Burnham
Councillor Alan Cockburn reminded Council of the passing in 2020 of three County Councillors. He then stated,
“It is with a heavy heart and great sadness that I need to inform Council of the recent passing of two of our close colleagues in Enabling Services.
Both Miles Marriott in the Health and Safety Team and Andrew Burnham of ICT passed away over the last few weeks. Both were highly respected and valued colleagues with decades of service to our both our colleagues and residents of Warwickshire.
This has been a shock to all who knew Miles and Andrew. Miles passed away quite suddenly. He was a private man but was someone who always supported colleagues with a smile and graciousness. Some of you may remember Andrew’s recovery from COVID being reported in the local and National press. To lose such a generous and warm colleague after everything he has been through has been an awful shock for his family and friends. We will keep both of their families in our thoughts.
We have passed our condolences to both families and we will continue to liaise with them to offer as much support as they need. We will share the details of the books of condolences after the meeting for any colleague who would like to share their thoughts”.
A minute’s silence was held for Miles Marriott and Andrew Burnham.