A period of up to 40 minutes is allocated for questions to the Leader, Cabinet Portfolio Holders and Chairs of Overview and Scrutiny Committees.
1) Question to Councillor Hayfield from Councillor Roodhouse
What assessments have or are been made of the adequacy of catch-up support for remote education and the purchasing additional devices or
more textbooks?
Councillor Hayfield replied that catch-up funding has been provided to schools. The need for pupils to catch up on their education has been recognised as a huge problem for which Ofsted has been giving advice. The scheme that provides laptops to pupils remains open. The full impact of the Pandemic on education remains unknown and it will be some time before a clearer picture emerges.
A briefing will be provided for all members in the spring of 2021. It may be that this is a matter that the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee would wish to explore.
2) Question to Councillor Clarke from Councillor Fradgley
As the country moves towards 20mph in urban areas what is the view of WCC to developing a policy for 20mph in the county? There is a particular need to establish 20mph around schools and a policy would assist in establishing safer zones around our schools.
Councillor Clarke replied that the County Council generally supports the principle of 20mph speed limits around schools. However, lower speed limits can, in some instances, present more problems than they solve. The County Council follows the DfT guidelines on the matter. Speed should where possible be self-enforcing. Work is currently underway on the new Local Transport Plan. A member working group has been established to support this work. All members are invited to feed into the work of the group.
In response to this latter point, Councillor Fradgley encouraged all members to engage in the development of the LTP.
3) Question to Councillor Hayfield from Councillor Gifford
Does Councillor Hayfield agree that Marle Hall for nearly 50 years has provided a wonderful learning experience for Warwickshire Children? If it was to be lost how does he feel that experience could be replicated?
Councillor Hayfield replied that Marle Hall has, over the years, provided an excellent service to the children of Warwickshire. The Council is now engaged in a staff consultation exercise regarding the closure of the site. The facility is not self-financing and is expensive to retain. The number of people that now use the site is very small. Closing the site will save money which could be used to benefit a greater number of children. It is regrettable that Marle Hall is to be closed but there are other organisations that provide the same experience and that can be used.
In response to the answer Councillor Gifford asked to be sent a link to the consultation documents. This was agreed. In addition, he asked whether the County Council was engaging with the schools that use Marle Hall. Councillor Hayfield stated that the pattern of usage varies. Some schools use the site every year and some schools less frequently. Officers would ensure that schools are made aware of the alternatives to Marle Hall. He added that the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee may wish to look at alternative provision.
4) Question to Councillor Caborn from Councillor Adkins
Professor Chris Witty has stated that Covid highlights inequalities and thrives off inequalities. In the light of health inequalities across Warwickshire including within the BAME community can the reason behind the cancellation of the task and finish review proposed by the Labour Group be explained?
Councillor Les Caborn promised to provide a written answer to all members after the meeting.
In response, Councillor Adkins stated that a response in the meeting would have been welcome.
5) Question to Councillor Clarke from Councillor Holland
Can the Council please be provided with a timeline for all road schemes in the Warwick and Leamington area?
Councillor Clarke stated that he would ask officers to provide what information they can.
In response Councillor Holland stated that he had yet to see a Portfolio Holder decision regarding changes to parking in Warwick. He asked for an update on that.
Councillor Clarke stated that Warwick Variation No. 6 had been delayed owing to significant workloads. He promised to share a list of minor works with Councillor Holland in the new year.
6) Question to Councillor Caborn from Councillor Rolfe
Is the Portfolio Holder aware of the Integrated Care Consultation that closes on 8 January 2021 and will the County Council respond to it?
Councillor Caborn stated that he was aware of the consultation and a response will be forthcoming from the County Council.
7) Question to Councillor Butlin from Councillor Kondakor
The Local Enterprise Partnership is supporting the proposal for a new battery mega factory. Will the Portfolio Holder do something to counter the myths around emission and lifecycles for electric cars as opposed to petrol and diesel cars?
Councillor Butlin assured Council that he deals in facts only.
In response Councillor Kondakor referred Councillor Butlin to a life cycle study undertaken by Aston Martin
8) Question to Councillor Seccombe from Councillor Chilvers
Regarding the new mega lab to be established in Leamington the government has promised contracts for local suppliers. However, contact with local businesses wishing to bid for contracts has shown they cannot find out how to do so. Although officers have looked into this, I am not confident that the process will be fair and transparent for our businesses. So will Councillor Seccombe make representation to the Department of health and Social Care to make sure that local businesses get fair access to contracts.
Councillor Secombe stated that it is in everyone’s interests to get a fair deal for Warwickshire. She stated that she had received letters on the same matter and from people seeking employment. Officers will be asked to pursue this. Councillor Seccombe agreed to write a letter.
9) Question to Councillor Seccombe from Councillor Parsons
Covid-19 tiers are due to be reviewed on 16 December. Will Warwickshire now be considered in its own right?
Councillor Seccombe replied that when tiering was introduced the original proposal was for Warwickshire to be included in a large West Midlands region. The end result was a tier with Coventry and Solihull. A letter had been sent suggesting that Warwickshire be regarded separately to Coventry and Solihull and early indications are promising. The incidence of Covid-19 across the county varies. At one point North Warwickshire was very high, but this figure has come down. However, increases have been seen in Warwick and Stratford. The Council is keen to protect businesses, but it must keep residents safe.
10) Question to Councillor Timms from Councillor Dahmash
How is the Winter Grant Scheme helping schools in Warwickshire?
Councillor Timms stated that vouchers were due to be despatched on 16 December. All but two Warwickshire Schools had responded, downloading information regarding free school meals. Vouchers will be sent out automatically. People do not need to apply. The Council has done a lot for people who are in hardship. Advice and support has been provided on energy and clothing and personal hygiene products have been distributed. If people are struggling there is an 0800 number they can ring. The Council is keen to ensure that everyone has a happy Christmas.
A briefing will be sent out to all members once the vouchers have gone out.
11) Question to Councillor Caborn from Councillor Kondakor
It is good to see Covid-19 vaccination being rolled out at UHCW. Can the Portfolio Holder provide and indication when vaccination will commence in Nuneaton and Bedworth?
Councillor Caborn stated that he could not provide and answer at present. However, as soon as the information is available this will be distributed.
In reply Councillor Kondakor asked that updates be placed on the member dashboard on a weekly basis.
12) Question to Councillor Clarke from Councillor Chilvers
There has been an increase in delivery vehicles in towns. Often engines are left running when deliveries are made. Can the Portfolio Holder explore ways in which low emission zones can be used to encourage companies towards the use of electric vehicles which are suited to this type of delivery?
Councillor Clarke stated that he was happy to liaise with delivery companies regarding the use of electric vehicles. That vehicles are left running is a matter for the police as it is an enforcement issue.
The use of low emission zones is something that can be investigated as part of the development of the Local Transport Plan.