Agenda item

Outline of services within the People Group

An introductory presentation to explain the remit of the committee, its roles, how it works and degrees of influence. To include the services the county council commissions and those provided through Social Care and Public Health.


The Committee received an introductory presentation. The slides had been circulated ahead of the meeting. Nigel Minns, Strategic Director for People Group opened, giving an overview of the Committee, its role and the service areas it reviewed and scrutinised, including the specific role in relation to health scrutiny. Slides included:


  • The Committee’s role
  • Specific health scrutiny powers
  • The bodies and providers involved
  •  Substantial changes in health services


Next an outline was given on the People Directorate, covering its aim, vision and roles in commissioning services and providing them. This included a structure chart showing key officers. It was followed by further detail from each of the Assistant Directors.


Shade Agboola, Director of Public Health (DPH) covered the following areas:

  • What is Public health?
  • A brief history on the function
  • Mandated responsibilities
  • Non-mandated functions
  • Funding
  • The role of the Director of Public Health
  • A structure chart showing the key personnel
  • Current priorities
  • An offer to circulate the previous statutory DPH annual report


Pete Sidgwick, Assistant Director for Adult Social Care gave an overview of Adult Social Care delivery. This covered the following areas:


  • An overview of Adult Social Care
  • Legislative changes introduced by the Care Act 2014, the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the implications for the Council
  • How we support individuals
  • A graphic showing key data for the service
  • A structure chart showing the key personnel
  • Finances
  • Key metrics


Becky Hale concluded with an overview of People Strategy and Commissioning, which covered the following areas:


  • An overview of the key roles of this function.
  • The structure of the three service areas Health, well-being and self-care, integrated and targeted support and all age specialist provision
  • The key functions to analyse, plan, do and review
  • Partnership working
  • Commissioning principles
  • Examples of services commissioned
  • Extracts from the commissioning plan for the period 2020-22 with slides showing examples of the areas of work against analyse, plan, do and review


The Chair thanked officers for the comprehensive presentation and spoke of the scale of expenditure involved. She used the example of the consultation undertaken for the Coventry and Warwickshire stroke service redesign to demonstrate the committee’s influence, speaking of the good dialogue with NHS colleagues in considering this reconfiguration. She invited questions and comments from the committee:


  • Councillor Pam Redford raised the closure of the clinics where people could undertake lateral flow tests and asked if the service could be retained. Shade Agboola responded. With the move to home testing, there had been a significant reduction in footfall at the sites and their continuation could not be justified. Covid was likely to remain into the future. The testing arrangements were dynamic, with a current focus on certain key groups. One site would be retained in Nuneaton and discussions were ongoing so some additional fixed sites may be required, but for now they had been closed.
  • Councillor John Holland praised the clear presentation. He sought further information regarding enquiries when members were notified of people needing support. There were concerns about when issues should be reported against overriding confidentiality aspects. Due to confidentiality members may not always be able to receive feedback. Nigel Minns responded, initially about safeguarding concerns, which should always be referred to the multi-agency safeguarding hub (MASH) and this would include feedback. There were a lot of referrals from members for people needing support. The need for consent to share personal information and presumption of capacity were raised. People had the right to turn down support even if it was in their best interests. Referrals were encouraged and were always followed through. A suggestion to circulate contact details for all members. Pete Sidgwick added that the MASH website ( a lot of information, on services for both children and adults. It was ideal if the person needing support made contact themselves or gave consent. The telephone number to get in touch is 01926 410410.
  • Councillor Mills asked about personal independence payments. These were administered by the Department of Work and Pensions.  He sought information about the significant increase in cases of Covid in Warwick district.  Shade Agboola responded giving an outline of contributing factors to the recent increases, including an outbreak at Warwick University and in some hospitality settings. Actions were being taken to respond, including additional PCR testing and close working between partners. Most patients were from younger unvaccinated age groups. There were cases of the delta variant and she outlined the sources traced, onward transmission at home, and in schools. There had been a small rise in hospital admissions.
  • Councillor Matecki asked what happened when things went wrong, if there was a ‘lessons learned’ approach and how it was communicated, to reduce the likelihood of repeat incidents. Nigel Minns explained the tiered response, starting with a complaints process. For serious issues, the safeguarding partnership, a multi-agency body, undertook case reviews locally and there was a national programme too. A concern that review findings were shared with officers, but not more widely. This had been remedied by providing public seven-minute briefings to give a summary which was shared via the Safeguarding Partnership website and with professionals. Mechanisms were in place to ensure that agreed actions from the review were implemented.


The Chair drew the item to a close, thanking officers for the detailed presentation.




That the Committee notes the presentations from the People Group.