Claire Taylor, WCC Commissioner presented the
findings from the Living Well with Dementia Strategy engagement
process. The Board was asked to consider the feedback and approve
proposed changes to the strategy, based on that feedback.
The strategy was being refreshed for the next
five-year period. Following a period of engagement from early
September to the end of October 2021, the feedback had been
collated into two reports, one capturing responses from 85
stakeholders and one from over 220 people living with dementia and
their carers through a range of in-person engagement opportunities.
The reports were being reviewed and the feedback would be used to
further develop the strategy. The intention was to publish the
strategy in Spring 2022. It would be a system document across
health and social care in Coventry and Warwickshire delivered in
partnership with the voluntary and community sector.
A presentation was provided to supplement the
report giving a summary of the key findings from the engagement
undertaken and how these findings would be used to develop the
strategy and associated delivery plans.
Questions and comments were submitted, with
responses provided as indicated:
- The Chair noted the
robust consultation undertaken.
- Nigel Minns commented
about the prevalence of dementia in black people and the minimal
feedback from this cohort. Given the focus on inequalities, it was
questioned if more could be done to target engagement and support.
Joint work could be undertaken and often it was not about dementia
specific services, but more about cultural appropriateness of
services. An outline was provided of the methods used to engage and
there was increasing data available, but more could be
- Councillor Roodhouse
had expected a larger number of respondents. He referred to the
changing demographics, the expectation of increasing dementia cases
and need for more engagement. This was a slight disappointment, but
the richness of the feedback was good. He then spoke on the
priority of reducing the risk of dementia and dementia friendly
communities, which there was a lack of awareness about. This could
be a focus for the subsequent delivery plan, given the likely
increase in dementia cases over the next 5-10 years. From feedback,
he drew comparison to other services and the lack of public
awareness of them. The Chair asked if HWW could assist in reaching
some groups. He agreed and there was similarly an opportunity
through elected members, parish, district and borough councils as
well as the local ‘place’ groups. This could include a
refresh of the dementia friendly communities and he reiterated the
predicted increases in dementia cases.
- Sarah Raistrick spoke
about links to health services and opportunities to engage and work
collaboratively. She was pleased with the preventative aspects
touching on early treatment of blood pressure and diabetes to
reduce risks of vascular dementia. NHS services were monitored on
the prevalence and diagnosis of dementia. Coventry and Warwickshire
historically had a lower prevalence than would be expected. She
touched on the targets for dementia diagnosis asking whether
achieving this statistic was a priority for the local system.
Providing good services to those diagnosed with dementia was
- Stella Manzie
referred to loneliness for people with dementia especially those
who lived alone and it was exacerbated over the Christmas period.
It was important that the delivery plan was completed to detail
what would be done to address the priorities
- Nigel Minns explained
that terms and conditions were included in contracts to encourage
people to become volunteers or to take up dementia
training. He asked if partners on the
board would also consider this to give a local system approach. On
NHS targets, he agreed it was important that people diagnosed with
dementia got the support they needed and that those who had not
received a diagnosis were also supported.
- Councillor Matecki
touched on the end-of-life aspects and the importance of early
engagement to seek to ensure the person’s wishes were
complied with.
- The Chair had
received an email from the Alzheimer’s Society raising
concerns for people with dementia admitted to the local hospital
trusts. This had been forwarded to each of the trusts for a
response. It concerned admission and visiting arrangements,
discharge and keeping carers informed. The responses from the
trusts would inform the delivery plan.
- The Chair recapped on
the points raised during the debate. She asked when the draft
delivery plan for the first period would be submitted to the Board
for consideration, asking that this was referenced in the strategy
- Claire Taylor had
noted the feedback provided and would circulate a response on how
this had been taken on board.
That the Health and Wellbeing Board:
Comments as set out above on the findings
from the engagement regarding the Living Well with
Dementia Strategy.
Approves the proposed changes to the strategy based on the feedback
from the engagement.
Endorses the approvals process prior to
publication of the strategy, with the addition of approvals for the
delivery plan being included.