Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Partnership Plans

A combined presentation to the Board from the North, Rugby and South Health and Wellbeing Board Partnership’s and NHS Place Executive’s for Warwickshire - Nigel Minns and Gemma McKinnon (WCC), Chris Elliot (WDC), Anne Coyle (SWFT), Mannie Ketley (RBC), Katie Wilson (WCC) and Steve Maxey (NWBC)



Dr Shade Agboola, WCC Director of Public Health introduced this item. It comprised a series of presentations showing the progress made by the North, Rugby and South Health and Wellbeing Board Partnerships and NHS Place Executives. She provided context on the places and the different speakers involved which was a testament to the partnership working on the place agenda. A recap was provided on the Health and Wellbeing Strategy adopted in March 2021.


The following slides were provided:

  • Warwickshire’s population health framework, describing the collective long-term strategic ambitions, areas of immediate focus and the four quadrants of focussed activity, which should improve health outcomes in Warwickshire. Each of the place plans was based on this model.
  • A slide showing the reporting arrangements, including the direct link from each place into the Health and Wellbeing Board. Each comprised a place partnership and place executive, with the arrangements varying to suit each area and its priorities.
  • The partnerships forward plan.


Steve Maxey gave a presentation on behalf of the North Place, which covered the following areas:

  • North population health framework.
  • Progress on Partnership priorities.
  • Governance arrangements for Partnership and Executive.
  • North Place Project SITREP for September 2021:

o   Place Executive priority view – wider determinants of health

o   Place Executive project view – wider determinants of health

  • Reference to the housing initiatives and those related to hospital discharge.
  • An area of challenge concerned the merger of the CCG, impacting on some aspects of data available at the place level. This was being worked through with the CCG. Shade Agboola asked for examples of the data that was no longer available, so this could be investigated. Sarah Raistrick similarly asked for specific examples and felt the data should be available.
  • A further concern was the need for replacement of a public health consultant for the north area. Shade Agboola gave a brief outline of the temporary public health cover being provided and would be speaking with Steve Maxey later in the day regarding the recruitment of a replacement consultant. This was a joint post and required input from the ICS.
  • Salmah Mahmood, Place Programme Manager at GEH spoke of the good partnership work that was taking place, bringing place plans together and looking at further areas for integration and joint opportunities.


Katie Wilson of WCC Public Health and Blair Robertson of UHCW gave a presentation on the following areas:

  • Population health framework – shared priorities across both the place partnership and delivery group, using a task and finish approach to address priorities.
  • Progress on the following priorities:
  • Mental health and wellbeing – self harm in young people
  • Poverty and inequalities
  • Health behaviours – smoking
  • Covid-19 recovery
  • LTCs – heart failure
  • In focus:
  • Covid-19 recovery and the Rugby incident management team, with thanks to colleagues involved in the place partnership and delivery group for their work. Recent work on vaccinations and contact tracing were highlighted.
  • Blair Robertson of UHCW and Charlotte Temple of Community Connections provided detail on the priority on children and young people’s mental health. Charlotte spoke about the demands on services from the pandemic and the aspirations of the compassionate communities work to move from away from service dependency to encouraging empowered conversations. Examples were given of specific projects including the community connections project, story circles and plans for a community listening project. A further slide showed feedback from those involved in the compassionate communities work.
  • Homelessness - information was provided on current progress and linked initiatives being led by Rugby BC, which also involved the group.


Chris Elliott of WDC and Anne Coyle of SWFT provided this presentation covering:

  • Population health framework
  • Update on priorities with examples being given of the work undertaken at the place level on each the following areas:
    • Respiratory health and inequalities – SWFT had undertaken a range of actions in response to a coroner report citing air pollution as a cause of death.
    • Covid-19 recovery and prevention of illness – action to encourage people to be vaccinated with door knocking in communities with the lowest levels of take up.
    • Environment and sustainability – a range of air quality and transport aspects, to replace diesel buses in town centres, planning guidance for development, provision of open spaces and promoting active travel and lifestyles. Warm and well homes and links to energy efficiency were also raised.
    • Mental health, suicide and bereavement – an arts and health project.
    • Children and young people – seeking to influence plans for the future use of the Ellen Badger hospital. Reference also to a video clip on feedback from children about the new play facilities at Myton Green Park.
  • Enabling Activities and Next Steps
    • Building relationships across partners.
    • Bringing our strategy to life.
    • Using recommendations from a recent audit to build a roadmap to a mature place operating model.
    • By the end of the financial year, to create a four-quadrant plan bringing together the priorities from the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, JNSA and Place Plan.
    • Additional activities to enable us to deliver our priorities by reducing inequalities in health outcomes and the wider determinants of health.
  • Examples of Communications
  • Reference to the work on estates, linking a GP practice development to assist in regenerating an area at the same time as addressing housing need.
  • Anne Coyle added that against the backdrop of a difficult year, the work at place had been a highlight and showed the benefits of collaboration.


The Chair thanked all the presenters. This showed the power of ownership at the place level and need for the ICS to be driven by place level priorities. Updates to future meetings were requested.




That the Health and Wellbeing Board notes the presentations.

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