To consider the draft list of schemes to be funded from the Improved Better Care Fund (iBCF) for 2022/23. It is suggested that a further update be provided to the Board, following publication of the national Better Care Fund Policy Framework for 2022/23 or equivalent replacement.
Rachel Briden, WCC Integrated Partnership Manager presented a report with the draft list of schemes to be funded from the Improved Better Care Fund (iBCF) for 2022/23. At the meeting in November, the Board had requested more involvement and engagement in the process. This report summarised the proposals, mainly for continuation of the existing schemes.
It was anticipated that the Better Care Fund Policy Framework would be replaced in 2022/23. However, details were awaited, and normal planning arrangements were continuing in the meantime. The funding settlement for 2022/23 was published on 16 December 2021 with an allocation of £15.1m. This represented a 3% increase from the previous year and was the first inflationary increase in four years. The financial implications outlined the assumed grant conditions, following those for previous years and permitted uses of this funding. It was noted that iBCF funding was temporary. Some funding was used to maintain statutory social care spending, and this would require replacement funding if the iBCF was withdrawn.
The report and appendices gave a detailed breakdown of the schemes and proposed changes from 2021/22 to 2022/23. It was suggested that a further update be provided to the Board, following publication of the national Better Care Fund Policy Framework for 2022/23 or equivalent replacement.
The following questions and comments were submitted:
That Health and Wellbeing Board: |
1. Supports the draft list of schemes to be funded from the Improved Better Care Fund (iBCF) for 2022/23.
2. Comments as set out above on the proposed schemes agreeing that these contribute to the wider Health and Wellbeing Board’s prevention priorities, as well meeting the iBCF grant conditions as set out in the current national Better Care Fund (BCF) Policy Framework.
3. Requests that a further update be provided to the Board, following publication of the national Better Care Fund Policy Framework for 2022/23 or equivalent replacement. |
Supporting documents: