Agenda item

Outdoor Education and Learning Strategy


Sarah Tregaskis (Service Manager – Education Service Delivery) introduced the report along with the draft strategy and appendices.


Councillor Dahmash, acknowledging the closure of the Marle Hall facility in North Wales asked what should be said to people who miss it. In reply the committee was informed that outdoor education is about more than one facility. Marle Hall was a facility and not a provision. It had not been widely used by schools in recent years. The strategy aims to open up opportunities for more schools to pursue outdoor education activities.


Councillor Pete Gilbert observed that very often outdoor education relies on having a teacher with a passion for it. It is an important element of the curriculum and should not be overlooked. Schools, he added, need to work with the County Council. Would the strategy ensure that outdoor education is included in the curriculum? Councillor Gilbert closed by suggesting that there is a role for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in monitoring future outdoor education provision.


In reply, Sarah Tregaskis stated that a part of the delivery plan is a proposal to set up a professionals’ network for Warwickshire. This will bring schools and teachers together to share practice and obtain feedback. A recent survey had found plenty of activity going on already.


The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 places overall responsibility for health and safety on educational visits with the employer. Where Warwickshire County Council is the employer; which includes community schools, community special schools, voluntary controlled schools, maintained nursery schools but not academies, foundation, voluntary-aided or free schools, WCC provides support to schools via the web-based system EVOLVE to facilitate the efficient planning, management, approval, and evaluation of visits.


One school that operates a forest school approach has offered to provide training for other schools wishing to follow this route. One school that operates a forest school approach has offered to provide training for other schools wishing to follow this route.


Councillor Brian Hammersley recognised the difficulties of providing outdoor challenges and activities in a climate of blame and litigation.


Councillor Jerry Roodhouse suggested that outdoor education had been given a low priority for some time. The closure of Marle Hall had brought it to the fore. A clear definition of outdoor education and provision is required, and it will be important to monitor delivery of the strategy over time.


Councillor Roodhouse challenged the status of the emerging strategy. At one stage it was to have been a sub-strategy of the Education Strategy, but this had been considered inappropriate. It should, he suggested, be a corporate strategy signed off by the Leader of the Council. It would then sit at a high level with other corporate documents.


Councillor Jeff Morgan agreed that it would be useful if the strategy included a definition of outdoor pursuits. Some activities that were undertaken in the 1970s would not be considered acceptable now he added. The committee was reminded that outdoor activities are not a statutory service. Nevertheless, they do need to be given a high priority.


In reply to a question from Councillor Marian Humphries it was agreed that a list of those schools that engaged in the review would be shared.


Councillor Jo Barker expressed the view that young people need to be given the opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities. People need to be encouraged to become leaders for outdoor activities.


Councillor Justin Kerridge called for a specific measure to be created to establish the take up of opportunities by children from disadvantaged backgrounds. It will also be important to measure the extent to which schools are engaging and what they are doing.


Councillor Kerridge also requested that the draft strategy be reviewed to make it more concise.


Councillor Barbara Brown supported the suggestion to reduce the size of the strategy and also endorsed Councillor Jerry Roodhouse’s comments regarding its status. Schools, she stated, need to be clear on the management of outdoor education and there is a need to provide evidence of its benefits.


Councillor Jerry Roodhouse requested that the strategy be sent to partners including district and borough councils and health colleagues for them to endorse. The committee was informed that this is an element of the delivery plan.


Councillor Jill Simpson-Vince (who was a member of the first working group to examine outdoor education) emphasised the need to produce an effective strategy. There is a need to get head teachers engaged although many will consider that some outdoor education offers carry too much risk. 


Councillor Marian Humphries observed that schools had been engaged with as part of the strategy development process at a busy time for them. In reply the committee was informed that the original plan had been for engagement with school to take place in June or July. However, the Pandemic had delayed matters.


Councillor Piers Daniell (Chair of the member working group) stated that the closure of Marle Hall had highlighted the importance of outdoor education. A concise strategy is now necessary to encourage schools and children to engage in such activity. He suggested that surveys may struggle to be able to identify the success of the strategy. The delivery plan will be key to engaging with partners and other initiatives eg Youth Justice, country parks and Child Friendly Warwickshire. Councillor Daniell concluded that previously there has been too much emphasis on outdoor education in the school environment. It is important to push for outdoor adventure.


Councillor Pete Gilbert noted that the County Council undertakes a great deal of non-statutory activity. He had been concerned over the data presented to the committee concerning Marle Hall. It is important that the Outdoor Education Strategy is given a high priority. 


Councillor Brian Hammersley agreed that the document should be made more concise.




That the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny,


1.    Requests that in approving the strategy, Cabinet acknowledges its high priority.


2.    Requests that a performance report that sets out progress against the strategy’s objectives be produced annually for consideration by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 


3.    Requests that officers identify ways in which the strategy can be made more concise.

Supporting documents: