The Health and Wellbeing Board was asked to
consider the requirements for a Coventry and Warwickshire Health
Inequalities Strategic Plan, local priority population groups for
the Strategic Plan, the progress made to date and support the
implementation of the Plan.
The draft plan was required to be submitted to
NHS England and NHS Improvement by 22 March 2022. It must depict a locally agreed strategic approach for
addressing health inequalities within five nationally determined
clinical priorities, covering maternity care, early cancer
diagnosis, severe mental illness, chronic respiratory disease and
hypertension. It also had to show this work was embedded within a
broader approach to reducing health inequalities within Coventry
and Warwickshire. A programme of engagement with partners and key
NHS workstreams was underway to shape the Strategic Plan and ensure
the approach took into account the needs and inequalities within
each of the three Warwickshire ‘Places’ (Warwickshire
North, Rugby and South Warwickshire).
The five national
clinical priorities were set out within a ‘Core20+5’
model. The model required focused efforts to improve health access
and outcomes for those living in the most deprived 20% of the
population. There was evidence to show the inequalities in health
outcomes, life expectancy and in terms of maternal deaths and
morbidity amongst some ethnicities. The five clinical priorities
were primarily focused on secondary and tertiary prevention
approaches. Overall, life expectancy in Warwickshire was above the
national average. However, there was variation by deprivation and
gender with data provided in the report and appendix to demonstrate
A key area was
determining the local priority population groups and the following
were recommended:
People from black and minority ethnic
Transient communities (homelessness,
gypsies, travellers, boaters and newly arrived
People living with disabilities
(physical, sensory and/or neurological)
Older people experiencing rural
Within Warwickshire
6.5% of the population, approximately 38,000 people, lived in the
most deprived 20% of areas nationally (based on the indices of
multiple deprivation). There was a need locally, to broaden the
scope beyond the most deprived national quintile in order to
adequately address the disproportionate impacts the pandemic had
caused on ethnically diverse communities within Warwickshire. Data
was provided to demonstrate this. Subsequent sections of the report
expanded on the rationale for selecting each of the proposed local
priority population groups.
The Board discussed the following areas:
- The Chair asked the Board to focus
on the proposed ‘Plus’ areas which could be varied as
several aspects within the report had to be included.
- Sarah Raistrick asked if the
proposed areas were data driven and there would be tangible
outcomes and improvements from the targeted resources. From an NHS
perspective there would be measurement of the results, but for
residents it was important that the resultant improvements could be
demonstrated too. She reminded of her earlier points about children
and in this report, after maternity there was quite a gap before
any of the health conditions referenced affected children. She
suggested selecting a priority that was universal to
Warwickshire’s population. This could then include targeting
resources proportionately to areas where there was inequality. The
Board was asked to approve the proposed areas, but there was a need
for clarity to understand exactly what the proposals were. She also
referred to the Kings Fund model, the anchor institutions, and the
involvement of partners in this joined up piece of work. The
outcomes from this work were health measure outcomes, but the Kings
Fund model showed a lot of the determinants as social determinants.
There was a need to work together, as it was too late when there
were poor health outcomes.
- The Chair added that the Board was
being asked to approve the ‘plus’ aspects but needed
sight of the evidence to understand why these were the preferred
options and she asked what the process was for finalising the plus
- Councillor Barker had been involved
at a place partnership meeting but did not recognise all of the
aspects included.
- Councillor Roodhouse had slight
unease about the elements reported. He used the example of rural
isolation for older people which he recognised, but it could
similarly be an issue for younger people in villages and people in
urban areas too. He referred to homelessness, the potential impact
of savings plans exacerbating numbers of homeless people, the
underreporting of homelessness and linked this to issues for
younger people and mental health conditions. Delivery was important and assessing its
- Councillor Matecki had also been
involved in the South Warwickshire Place discussions. There was
confusion as the priorities agreed for that area may differ from
other places and the strategic level, which could result in a lot
more priorities than feasibly could be delivered.
- Harpal Aujla
was asked to explain the process undertaken. There was significant
overlap between core 20 and the other aspects. The plus groups were
headlines which would be supported by workstreams with a lot more
detail. The aim at this stage was to identify the key groups that
were experiencing inequalities. There would be delivery plans and
monitoring arrangements.
- Stella Manzie commented that in
Warwickshire the breakdown of BAME communities was quite
complicated. In some parts of the county there may be small groups
and different communities who may be more isolated when compared to
a large ethnic group in Coventry. There was a need for a granular
analysis. Some of the priorities were really clear and she
demonstrated this using the example of maternity outcomes for Asian
and black people. The ‘plus’ aspect was more
complicated and would need that more granular analysis to show what
the Board was agreeing to.
- The Chair suggested that a further
report be provided to the Board with an evidence base for the
‘plus’ aspects and the delivery plans which would
underpin them. It was useful seeing what the place partnerships had
considered but the evidence base was needed for the Board.
- Sarah Raistrick stated the potential
for unevidenced priorities to be included in the ‘plus’
aspect. She was interested in seeing which aspects included in the
‘plus’, that were not also referenced in other areas
and used the example of cancer screening services for gypsy and
traveller communities which was duplicated. There was a danger in
trying to include too many aspects and not being able to
demonstrate an improvement had been achieved.
- Emily van de Venter contributed that
one of the challenges in developing a system-wide strategy was the
number of people inputting with differing views. This work built on
the Joint Strategic Needs’ Assessments and discussions at
place which had developed the priority plus groups for Warwickshire
as a whole and then were adapted locally. The draft submission to
NHS England was due in late March 2022, but there would be
additional time needed for further system engagement. Due to the
time constraints, additional information would be circulated ahead
of the next Board meeting.
- There was a joint place forum in
March which could provide a mechanism for further consideration of
this item, to be followed by a virtual sign-off.
That the Board:
Notes and comments on the requirements
for a Coventry and Warwickshire Health Inequalities Strategic Plan
as set out above.
Notes and comments upon the progress to
date, as set out above.
Supports the further development of the
‘plus’ aspect, the action plan and the communication
strategy and that a further report comes back to the