Councillor Isobel Seccombe introduced the report and moved the recommendation. In doing so she stated that the paper set out the funding requirements to deliver phase two of the Internal Children’s Homes Project. She noted that the project was a diversion from previous policy and that the first registered residential children's home in the project was shortly due to open. Expansion into other areas of the county was being sought.
Councillor Marian Humphreys seconded the recommendation. In doing so, Councillor Humphreys emphasised the importance of providing specialised units for the children who needed them to support their learning of life skills.
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse welcomed the quality of provision that this report provided for and applauded the process that had been undertaken with local members in the implementation of the first phase. He considered that this different offer in the market was good for the sector since it would provide a beacon of good practice.
Councillor Kate Rolfe welcomed the local engagement that had taken place during the development of the first children’s home and hoped that this would be replicated in the proposed new locations.
Councillor Tracey Drew asked how this project fitted with the Council’s commitment to fund fostering and adoption services including the recruitment of foster carers and adopters and how the risk of homes expanding in size could be mitigated against.
Councillor Jonathan Chilvers echoed the sentiments of Councillor Rolfe, applauding the team for their exemplary engagement work.
Councillor Jeff Clarke considered that this report represented a positive step to bring children being cared for out of the area care back into the county where they could remain close to their families. The savings that this would generate would mean the Council could support more people in future.
Councillor Sarah Feeney welcomed the report, considering that it was critical to provide looked after children with the care they needed in the areas they came from and lived in. It also had a positive impact in terms of travel reduction and the proposed small units were beneficial due to their resemblance to a family home.
Councillor Barbara Brown endorsed previous comments in the context of developing looked after children in the county and the challenge to the private sector. She considered that there were more areas in the county where provision needed to be considered in future.
Councillor Kennaugh welcomed the proposals and also sought an expansion of the project into more areas in the county.
By way of reply, Councillor Seccombe advise that the project fitted alongside fostering and adoption within Warwickshire. She considered that the cost and demand of caring for looked after children was outpacing the Council’s ability to help and support children and that this project provided for choice in the system where different models were needed. The project ensured that children were not taken too far away from their network of support and she recognised the appropriateness of maintaining small family sized units and stated that there was no intention for them to expand in size. Councillor Seccombe applauded the engagement work the team were undertaking with councillors and local communities and welcomed a continuation of this work.
A vote was held. Councillor Judy Falp abstained from the vote in accordance with her prior declaration. Of those voting, the recommendation was agreed unanimously.
That Council approves the allocation of £2.054 million funding from the Capital Investment Fund (CIF) to deliver phase two of the Internal Children’s Homes Project and approves the addition of the project to the Capital Programme at a full cost of £2.054 million.
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