Agenda item

Quarter 3 Council Plan 2020-2025 Quarterly Progress Report (April 2021 to December 2021)


The Council Plan Quarter 3 performance progress report for the period 1st April to 31st December 2021 was approved by Cabinet on 17th February 2022. Chris Baird Assistant Director (contractor) (Education Management) presented a tailored update relevant to the remit of the Committee.


The report focused on the Council Plan 2020 – 2025, giving strategic context and a performance commentary, including the Council’s two high level outcomes. These were assessed against 54 key business measures (KBM), of which fourteen were within the remit of this committee. The education examination regime had been suspended for a second year due to the Covid pandemic. Eight proxy measures had been introduced for educational attainment.


The report set out two areas of note and good progress, concerning the number of children open to an early help pathway and the percentage of care leavers who were not in education, employment and/or training. Of the five areas not on track, one required improvement activity, which related to the number of children in care, excluding unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. The report set out the current performance narrative, improvement activity and an explanation of the projected trajectory.


Current performance showed that one KBM was paused from reporting due to national suspension of inspection or examination regimes. Eight KBMs were on track and three were not. There were two areas of note, with a current performance narrative provided for each of these. Of the three areas not on track, none required escalation at this stage. Summary information was provided and the associated commentary and improvement activity for all reporting measures was available.  The impact of the Covid pandemic on these measures was noted.


The report mentioned the ongoing impact of the Covid pandemic on some KBMs. A new performance management framework had been developed and was approved by Cabinet at its meeting on 10th March 2022. 


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the summer exam series for the 2020/21 academic year was cancelled. The report comprised the assessments used for 2021, the proxy measures used for both 2020 and 2021 and contextual information for 2021. Warwickshire results compared favourably to the national, regional and statistical neighbour data. Context was provided on the results data. Charts showed average attainment scores and data on grade five and above in English and maths. This was disaggregated to provide data for disadvantaged/non-disadvantaged pupils. Contextual information was provided about attendance levels in 2020/21, remote learning and the mental health of both pupils and school staff. Further sections focussed on disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils, performance levels prior to the pandemic, key trends and issues in 2019, closing the gap in disadvantaged pupil attainment and recovery from the impact of the pandemic. 


Following the presentation, the Chair asked a question in relation to disadvantaged pupils and what could be done differently to improve performance in this area.  Sophie Thompson - School Improvement Networks Lead Officer, confirmed that this had been an issue for the Council since 2015 but it is also a national issue.  Chris Baird added that there are different levels of funding available and that some of it goes directly to schools.  He confirmed that this is an issue across the country and it isn’t shifting.


Councillor Jerry Roodhouse stated that it was concerning that the country has not moved forward in this area and asked that information from the Closing the Gap Board is shared with members of the committee and it was agreed that a briefing note would be sent out with a view to a full item being added to the work programme for a later meeting.  It was confirmed that Councillor Jeff Morgan has been invited to join the Closing the Gap Board in his role as Portfolio Holder for Children, Families & Education.


Following a question from Councillor Brian Hammersley in relation to the number of teaching staff and heads that are leaving the role, Sophie Thompson confirmed that 25 head teachers had left the job in the last academic year which is unprecedented.  The Committee noted that predominately, the reason for leaving has been the impact of the pandemic and the challenges faced.  A small number have been retirements, or early retirements.  To combat the challenges faced because of staff leaving, a course for aspiring head teachers has been introduced and officers are supporting schools with recruitment and inductions courses that are spread over two terms.  It was noted that the number of staff leaving, including non-teaching and support staff, is an issue.  The level of applications is not reaching the right level but it is hoped that the new range of courses and support will help to retain new staff.  Following a question from the Chair, it was confirmed that this is a national issue; and is a post-pandemic problem across many sectors, health and social care, as people reassess their lifestyles after the last two years.


Councillor Brett Beetham requested that moving forward the performance information included a breakdown across the districts and boroughs.  The report shows the performance across the county and how Warwickshire is performing alongside statistical neighbours but not how each district and borough is performing within the county.  It was confirmed that during the pandemic, it hadn’t been possible to get a full data breakdown due to the nature of reporting but that officers are hopeful that the Department for Education will provide the required level of data.




That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee consider progress on the delivery of the Council Plan 2020 - 2025 for the period as contained in the report.

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