Agenda item

JSNA Prioritisation Programme

To consider the outlined proposed thematic Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) workplan for October 2022 to November 2024 and support the development of future needs assessments.


The Board received a report from officers which provided an overview of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Prioritisation Process undertaken to establish a new workplan for 2023/24, along with key findings.


Duncan Vernon (Public Health Consultant) introduced the report and presentation, alongside his colleague Michael Maddocks (Public Health Principal).  The presentation covered:


·       Background of the JSNA – it’s purpose and representatives of the Strategic Group in Warwickshire;

·       A timeline of the journey so far since it’s beginnings in 2013 through to the Needs Assessments already completed and the culmination of the current work programme;

·       The Prioritisation Process Overview detailing the steps taken from the collection of a list of needs assessments, through discussions and finally to sign off;

·       An overview of the matrix and scoring levels, showing level of need and vulnerability;

·       The proposed workplan including a production timeline and its integration with other work streams;

·       Specified and Non-specified timelines side by side; and

·       A Final Proposed Workplan, advising of the plan to undertake additional ‘JSNA Bitesize’ which would be published on the website.


Duncan Vernon explained that the engagement of citizens and patients was key and in each case, effort had been made to engage broadly, whilst also looking at information from past engagements.  This allowed officers to triangulate what the important issues were, whilst working together.


Councillor Holland thanked the officers and queried how this fitted in with the first item on the agenda, relating to Place Partnerships.  In response, he was advised that officers worked closely with the ICB and it was noted that as places developed, the data also evolved with feedback being received and taken on board as the journey progressed.


Councillor Roodhouse queried the data relating to exploitation as he felt it would be higher than that.  He also asked for clarity on the category relating to people aged 65+ and the increased risk of dementia.  He was mindful of the growing older population and increasing frailty, and loneliness and isolation and wondered if those issues would be taken into account in the review.


Russell Hardy (SWFT and George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust) also addressed the points made regarding the over 65 category stating that if you took maternity and paediatrics out of the equation, 80% of acute beds were occupied by people over the age of 65’s and in Warwickshire only 20% of the residents were over 65.  He therefore, felt that if this proportion of the population could be kept healthier, in their own homes for longer and remain out of hospital it could revolutionise financial envelope that health services were operating in.


Duncan Vernon explained that throughout the JSNA processes officers tried to take a wider perspective on health.  He recognised that social isolation was one of the critical points and using the previous JSNA schematic from 2016, would be mapping trends and taking insights from that to see how the situation had changed.  He reiterated that building partnerships was critical, working around hospital discharges in Warwickshire, the use of virtual wards and the shift from acute to community support.


The Chair outlined the recommendations in the report, and it was


Resolved that:


1)    the outlined proposed thematic Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) workplan for October 2022 – November 2024 is approved; and

the development of future needs assessments is supported through promoting the work of the JSNA and supporting the established partnership approach to producing the JSNA between Health and Wellbeing Board Members.

Supporting documents: