Agenda item

Annual Review - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)


Keira Rounsley (Diversity, Inclusion and Wellbeing Team Leader) introduced the report which provided details of the diversity of the Council’s workforce in 2021/22, including gender, ethnicity, and disability pay gap data. The report outlined the Council’s commitment to support staff to feel valued, included, safe, and supported. It provided a summary of key achievements in 2021/22 and priority actions for the year ahead.


Councillor Gifford praised the quality of report, stating that it provided a positive account of the organisation. This would provide assurance to prospective employees that a culture was in place that did not discriminate based on gender, sexuality, ethnicity, disability, or other grounds. He praised the good progress that had been made.


In response to Councillor Hammersley, Keira Rounsley advised that the Council operated an equal pay policy, meaning that there was equal pay for equal work irrespective of gender, ethnicity, or other factors. She advised that the pay gap data included within the report provided insight into the difference between average earnings for specific groups. She emphasised that recruitment was based upon talent, however, the existence of structural inequalities was acknowledged. Pay gap data showed a higher proportion of men in senior roles. Research had shown multiple reasons for this, including unconscious bias and wider societal factors. The findings of the report enabled a focus on the inclusivity of promotional rates.


In response to Councillor Kettle, Keira Rounsley advised that the Your Say survey had been updated for the year ahead to enable a distinction to be made between direct experience and witnessing of bullying. Future annual reports would provide details of these two categories, including the nature of the incident (for example, whether it related to an interaction between colleagues, with a manager, or involved a member of the public). This would provide improved data. Anonymous reporting would also support a better understanding of levels of bullying, and where engagement could be targeted to achieve an improvement.


In response to Councillor Kettle, Keira Rounsley advised that, based on the data for 2021/22, it was difficult to discern if there had been multiple reports by witnesses of the same incident of bullying. She highlighted the changes brought about by agile working; should bullying occur on a platform such as Microsoft Teams, there would be fewer witnesses. Sessions to address the risk of online bullying and harassment would be held during National Inclusion Week.  


Keira Rounsley advised that several options were available to staff to report bullying and harassment. Where possible, individuals affected by bullying were encouraged to seek an informal resolution. In cases that required a different approach, it was possible to make use of the Council’s Grievance Policy, Bullying and Harassment Policy, Listening Mates scheme, as well mediation, and engagement with trade unions.


Councillor Millar praised the report, stating that the quality of the data captured would help the Council to achieve its objectives. She expressed support for the even balance between men and women within the Senior Leadership Team. The actions proposed to accelerate progress would support the drive for equality across the organisation. In future, she suggested that a view be sought from staff on the implications of caring responsibilities to gauge the impact that this had on wellbeing.




That the Committee:


     1.          Agrees that the Council’s Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Annual Review 2021/2022 be published on the Council’s website to meet the statutory requirement to publish annually equality information relating to employees, including gender pay gap information.

     2.          Agrees that the Council’s gender pay gap figures, based on a reporting date of 31 March 2022, be published on the Government’s gender pay gap website, as required by the gender pay gap regulations.

     3.          Notes the work in Our Approach to EDI and supports the priority actions for 2022/2023 as set out at Section 2.7.



Supporting documents: