A report seeking approval to tender for redesigned services.
Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Margaret Bell
Councillor Margaret Bell, Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health explained that Accommodation Related Support was previously known as Housing Related Support. She explained that the Council had duties under the Care Act to make provision under the prevention agenda. A £1m reduction had already been agreed in the budget for 2025/26, leaving a budget of circa £2.8m, and this paper was brought as a result of a consultation with partners (including district and borough councils) about the focus for this remaining funding to ensure the proposed service redesign resulted in a more efficient and effective service with improved customer journey. The report comprehensively set out the proposals.
Councillor Marian Humphreys highlighted the importance of intervention for saving money in the longer term. She noted the difference in recovery rates when intervention occurred at an early stage.
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse noted the thorough consultation that had taken place. He made a plea for the procurement process and output measurements that would be used to measure the contract, to not be too onerous in terms of the number of performance indicators that the companies delivering the services would need to meet, although the importance of being able to clearly measure outputs was recognised. He also noted the transition ages set out in the report and considered that some thought as to how this would be reflected in the contract would be required as many companies ceased delivery at age 18. He also considered that Scrutiny would want to keep a close eye on the delivery of these services.
In response, Councillor Bell considered that procurement was a balance between service delivery and not being too onerous in setting out how that was achieved, and explained that in this instance there would be two contracts in place. She also agreed with comments that it was important to get the transition arrangements correct.
That Cabinet:
1. Approves proceeding with the proposals to re-structure Housing Related Support (HRS) services to support delivery of the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) savings 2025 – 2026; endorsing the recommendations on the service redesign outlined in section 5 of the report.
2. Authorises the commencement of procurement activity to implement the proposals and delegates to the Executive Directors for Children and Young People and Social Care and Health (in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Children and Families and Social Care and Health) the implementation of the proposals, including the de-commissioning of existing Housing Related Support services and the subsequent award of the redesigned Accommodation Related Support contracts and entering into of agreements required to implement this decision on terms and conditions acceptable to the Executive Director of Resources
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