Issue - decisions

Adoption of the Warwickshire Minerals Plan 2018

28/07/2022 - Adoption of the Warwickshire Minerals Local Plan 2018-2032

That Council:


1.     Adopts the Mineral Local Plan 2018- 2032 and its Policies Map, with all the Main Modifications recommended by the Examination Inspector and the Minor Modifications proposed by the Strategic Director for Communities, as a development plan document in accordance with section 23(5) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004; and

2.     Authorises the Strategic Director for Communities to take the steps required by Regulations 26 and 35 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 and any other steps consequential upon or necessary to give effect to the adoption including making the formatting, cartographical and typographical corrections described in paragraph 5.4 of the report to the final Plan to be placed on deposit.


15/07/2022 - Adoption of the Warwickshire Minerals Local Plan 2018-2032

That Cabinet recommends to Council that the Warwickshire Minerals Plan and Policies Map be adopted with all the Main Modifications recommended by the Planning Inspector and any Minor Modifications proposed by the Strategic Director for Communities.