1. That Cabinet authorises the Executive Director for Resources to acquire the land or rights in respect to the land shown on Drawing No. 9.2-333--010-6309 (Appendix A to the report), whether by agreement or by means of a Compulsory Purchase Order (the Order), as is required to enable the construction of the A426/A4071 Avon Mill/Hunters Lane Improvements, Rugby, subject to acquisition taking place only after:
(i) planning permission has been granted; and
(ii) authorisation by Cabinet and Full Council via separate reports to be brought forward in 2023/24 to add the proposed £4 million Capital Investment Funding (CIF) local contribution to the scheme Capital Programme; and
(iii)approval of the external Full Business Case (FBC) by the Department for Transport (DfT) and subsequent funding award, or funding for the purchase of the land is otherwise secured to the satisfaction of the Executive Director for Resources, subject to final authorisation by Cabinet;
2. That Cabinet authorises the Executive Director for Resources to take any steps incidental, conducive or consequential thereto including the making of the order, the publication and service of all notices and the presentation of the Council’s case at any Public Inquiry;
3. That Cabinet authorises the Executive Director for Resources to approve agreements with landowners setting out the terms for the withdrawal of any objections to the Order, including where appropriate seeking exclusion of land or new rights from the Order; and
4. That the Executive Director for Communities and the Executive Director for Resources be authorised to make such amendments to the drawing referred to in Resolution 1 as they consider to be minor and necessary modifications after consultation with the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning.