Issue - decisions

Warwickshire County Council Statement of Accounts 2022/23

31/01/2024 - Warwickshire County Council Statement of Accounts 2022/23

The Chair invited questions or comments from members on the statement of accounts. Councillor John Cooke said the use of infographics in the report had been very useful, and said members of the public were likely to appreciate them too.


Responding to a question from Councillor Bill Gifford regarding the reduction in reserves, Andy Felton said this was a natural reduction through the Medium Financial Strategy due to new investments. It was also confirmed the end date in the report should read 31 March 2023, not 2022.


Members noted the opening of Cherry Tree House, a new home for children in care. It was confirmed publicity on this had been released.


It was resolved that the Committee recommend the Statement of Accounts to Council for approval, and noted that the Executive Director of Resources would make any amendments required when the final Audit Findings Report was received, prior to their approval by Council.