Issue - decisions

Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service Community Risk Management Plan

17/07/2024 - Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service Future Operating Model



That Cabinet


1)    Agrees the adoption of Model A as the Service’s operating model for the Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service (WFRS);


2)    Recommends to Council any such consequential changes that may be required to the Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) as a result of adopting Model A;


3)    Approves the allocation of £1.757m from the Revenue Investment Fund to fund the new WFRS operating Model A;


4)    Agrees in principle the allocation of £0.460m from the Capital Investment Fund, and its addition to the Capital Programme, for building alterations required as a result of implementing the new operating model, subject to the completion of a full business case considered satisfactory to the Executive Director for Resources; and


5)  Requests a review of the impact of the model not less than one year after implementation.