Issue - decisions

2024/25 Financial Monitoring - Forecast position at Quarter 1

06/09/2024 - 2024/25 Financial Monitoring - Forecast position at Quarter 1

That Cabinet:


1.     Notes the forecast net service overspend of £26.998m (6.7%) that would need to be funded from reserves at the end of 2024/25;


2.     Notes the forecast delivery of savings for 2024/25 of £9.255m (57%), and the consequent shortfall against the target;


3.     Notes the forecast capital spend for 2023/24 of £161.759m;


4.     Notes and approves the movement in the forecast spend on the capital programme of £26.404m from 2024/25 into future years;


5.     Approves the drawdown of £0.472m from the Revenue Investment Fund as detailed in Section 6 of the report; and


6.     Notes and endorses the financial recovery strategy to mitigate the emerging 2024/25 financial position, as outlined in Section 2 of the report.