Issue - decisions

Developer Funded S278 A452 Europa Way - Gallows Hill / Harbury Lane / Heathcote Lane (The Asps 1D) Roundabout - £3.7m

18/10/2024 - Developer Funded S278 A452 Europa Way - Gallows Hill / Harbury Lane / Heathcote Lane (The Asps 1D) Roundabout - £3.7m



That Cabinet


1)    Recommends to Council the addition of £3.7million to the Capital Programme in relation to the section 278 highway improvement scheme at the A452, Europa Way, Gallows Hill/Harbury Lane/Heathcote Lane Roundabout (The Asps 1D), which will be fully funded by developer contributions; and


2)    Authorises subject to Council’s agreement to the required addition to the Capital Programme, the Executive Director for Communities to procure and enter into any necessary construction contracts and associated agreements required to implement the scheme on terms and conditions acceptable to the Executive Director for Resources and subject to the requirements of the section 278 agreements with the developers.