Issue - decisions

Report and Recommendations of the Climate Change Adaptation Task and Finish Group

10/01/2020 - Report and Recommendations of the Climate Change Adaptation Task and Finish Group

That Cabinet:


1)              Adopts the Met Office’s UK Climate Projections as the basis of Warwickshire County Council’s expectation of the climate in 2050 and plans to this effect.


2)       Provide clear direction through the Council Plan 2020-2025 detailing actions that will be taken to prepare Warwickshire for the change in climate to come.


3)       Includes the impact of projected climate change in the assessment criteria for prioritising options and schemes that come forward for capital investment, which will prepare Warwickshire for the 2050 projected climate.


4)       Produces an updated Climate Impact Assessment for Warwickshire assessing the economic and social impact of the expected changes in climate on key areas of the Council’s responsibility and quantifying the costs of investment against the costs of inaction.


5)       Establishes a standing group comprised of members from all political groups and officers, chaired by the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Heritage & Culture to advance work on climate change adaptation.


i)         That the standing group uses the themes identified in this report to develop an action plan within six months setting out the activity to be undertaken by the County Council in the short, medium and long term.


ii)        That consideration be given to the establishment of a dedicated resource to coordinate climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts.