Issue - decisions

Warwickshire Major Road Network (MRN) Proposed Programme and Priorities

25/02/2020 - Warwickshire Major Road Network (MRN) Proposed Programme and Priorities

Nicholas Dauncey (Principal Transport Planner) presented the report. He stated that the MRN are government designated strategic roads and it is the Council’s role is to connect with the Strategic Road Network. Nicholas Dauncey stated the MRN is essential to maintain for economic growth and the DfT have set out objectives, including supporting housing delivery, supporting resilience on the strategic road network and supporting all road users. Special measures for cyclists, pedestrians and bus permeability are also expected in the scheme delivery.


The committee was informed that Midlands Connect is the responsible body for the MRN in Coventry and Warwickshire. Midlands Connect has stated that between 2020-2025, schemes with a good business case would be prioritised. Nicholas Dauncey stated they are currently prioritising the 2025-2030 funding so the council is in a position to put schemes forward that will receive funding. He added that they are also looking at other sources of funding to ensure the road schemes go ahead. Nicholas Dauncey stated that the report is to evaluate emerging schemes against National and Local Transport Plan objectives andMidlands Connect deliverability criteria.


He added that in view of the climate emergency declaration in Warwickshire, developers’ schemes need to provide incentives for non-motorised road users to take advantage of the funding provided. Nicholas Dauncey concluded that the County Council is looking at purchasing new air quality software to monitor this across Warwickshire.


In response to Councillor Shilton, Nicholas Dauncey stated that a construction management plan will be implemented in Kenilworth. He added they are looking at a review of the Local Transport Plan so aviation and air quality will be looked at.


In response to Councillor Kondakor, Nicholas Dauncey responded that as part of the Nuneaton transformation they are looking at developing a sustainable transport strategy and improve connectivity for cyclists and pedestrians; proposals would be brought to committee when they are made. He added that he will contact environmental officers at the district and borough councils regarding monitoring air quality effectively.

In response to Councillor Holland, Nicholas Dauncey stated that the requirements for the MRN will shift depending who uses the network. He concluded that they could segregate part of the road for vulnerable road users.


In response to Councillor Fradgley, Nicholas Dauncey stated that the schemes developed to date have dedicated foot and cycle bridges and he confirmed that the DfT expect cycle lanes as part of the MRN schemes.



That the Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee notes the contents of the report.