Councillor Peter Butlin explained that the place shaping agenda had been in development since before the Covid-19 crisis. However, early thoughts have been revised to take account of the current and future position. Work has been undertaken to identify all the assets held by the County Council and by district and borough councils across Warwickshire. The key is to stimulate growth and to provide an environment that will enable businesses to flourish. Cabinet was informed that the Covid-19 crisis could lead to 100000 job losses across Warwickshire. However, the strengths that have made the Warwickshire economy strong in the past still exist and can be exploited.
Councillor Keith Kondakor noted that the place shaping programme could provide many opportunities for transport, citing electric bus development, new cycle routes and NUCKLE. Councillor Kondakor also pointed out that reduced patronage on buses and trains has damaged their viability.
Councillor Butlin expanded on the point made regarding electric buses. Not only would these increase connectivity, their use in Warwickshire would highlight that the county is a centre for electric vehicle development.
That Cabinet:
1) Approves the objectives for the Warwickshire Place Shaping Programme, as set out as set out in paragraph 3.1 of this report.
2) Agrees to investigate the establishment of a Warwickshire Recovery and Investment Fund (WRIF) to support the County’s post-Covid19 economic recovery and long-term place development.
3) Authorises the Strategic Director for Resources to establish effective governance arrangements for the Place Shaping Programme, including close collaborative working with key partners, and a robust framework for effective programme delivery.