Issue - decisions

Updates from Cabinet Portfolio Holders and Assistant

14/10/2020 - Updates from Cabinet Portfolio Holders and Assistant

Ian Budd, Assistant Director - Education Services confirmed the following –


·         The Socialisation Offer is ready to go live.

·         The Family Information Service (FIS) has produced a programme of “safe” activities for the summer holidays ahead of schools starting in September 2020.

·         Amended guidance has been produced for schools to make the necessary adjustments for activities during the school holidays.


In relation to school transport, officers are working on the assumption that services will be provided as normal in September 2020.  There is no information as to what parents are planning to do with regards to school transport at this point.  It was noted that many parents may not have yet decided. There are weekly meetings with school leaders to discuss arrangements for school transport.


It was confirmed that levels of usage on school transport will be monitored on a week by week basis.  It was also confirmed that there will be a review into alternative routes to school as there is an expectation that the first week back in September will see an increase in cars on the road.


Following a question from Councillor Jonathan Chilvers, it was confirmed that some schools have requested zones to be put in place around school entrances and exits to allow for wider start/finish times and to ensure physical measures are in place to support social distancing.




It was agreed that the details of the FIS safe activities programme will be shared with all elected members.


It was agreed that the new cleaning protocols will be shared with members of the Committee.