Issue - decisions

Capital Investment Fund 2020/21 Quarter 2

14/10/2020 - Capital Investment Fund 2020/21 Quarter 2

That Council:


1)       Approve £3.615 million from the Capital Investment Fund for relocation work at Kingsway Nursery & Children’s Centre and add to the Capital Programme at a full cost of £5.165 million.


2)       Approve £3.025 million from the Capital Investment Fund for improvements to the A3400 Birmingham Road Corridor (Stratford) and increase the existing scheme in the Capital Programme to a full cost of £6.525 million.


3)       Approve £2.002 million from the Capital Investment Fund for improvements to the A446 Stonebridge Junction (Coleshill) and add to the Capital Programme at a full cost of £2.378 million.


4)       Approve £4.682 million from the Capital Investment Fund for improvements to the A429 Coventry Road Corridor (Warwick) and add to the Capital Programme at a full cost of £5.921 million, on the condition that CIL funding is secured from Warwick District Council.


5)       Approve £1.968 million from the Capital Investment Fund for procurement of measuring equipment to support evidence led decision making in tackling the climate emergency and air quality and add to the Capital Programme at a full cost of £2.058 million.


6)       Authorise the Strategic Director for Communities to procure and enter into any agreements to give effect to the proposals on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources.