Issue - decisions

Fire Control Systems CIF Bid

09/04/2021 - Fire Control Replacement Systems

Councillor Andy Crump informed Cabinet that the Transformation Programme had resulted in considerable investment in the Fire and Rescue Service. He added that a cloud-based system will enhance business resilience and promote remote working. Councillor Heather Timms informed Cabinet that Warwickshire’s Fire and Rescue Service has been appointed as lead for national fire and rescue climate change initiative. Officers were to be congratulated on this.




That Cabinet


1. Approves the allocation of up to £1.86 million for the replacement of Fire Control Room Systems, as outlined in the report.


2. Authorises the Strategic Director for Resources to determine the allocation of funding as he considers appropriate between the Fire Transformation Fund and the Corporate Change Fund and in the event that any costs can be capitalised, the Capital Investment Fund.


3. Authorises the Chief Fire Officer to procure and enter into all necessary contracts to give effect to the proposals set out in the report on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources.