Register of interests

Councillor Margaret Bell

I, Councillor Margaret Bell hereby declare the following pecuniary interests

1. Employment, office, trade, profession or Vocation:
Description of employment activity Name of Employer or Body
Borough Councillor North Warwickshire Borough Council
Trustee Landau Forte Multi Academy Trust
2. Sponsorship:
Description of Sponsorship
The Conservative Party
3. Contracts:
Name of Company, Firm or Corporation
4. Land:
Address/Description of Land Nature of Interest in Land
Abbey Field, Castle Road, Hartshill, CV10 0SE Owner
Land adjacent to Abbey Field, Castle Road, Hartshill, CV10 0SE Part Owner
Strip of land between Ash Drive and The Larches, Hartshill. Title WK393618 Part Owner
5. Licences:
Address/Description of Property Nature of Interest in Property
N/A -
6. Corporate tenancies:
Address/Description of Land
7. Securities:
Name of Company/Body Nature of Interest
N/A -
8. Signed and Date
Signature Date signed
Margaret Bell 11/05/21