
Use the search options below to look up past decisions made by the County Council.

Decisions published

10/05/2024 - Internal Children's Home 4 Purchase ref: 886    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Requesting Leader Decision to Purchase the 4th Internal Children's Home as per Cabinet decision in February 2022

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions

Made at meeting: 10/05/2024 - Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions

Decision published: 14/05/2024

Effective from: 10/05/2024

Divisions affected: Baddesley & Dordon;

14/05/2024 - Addition of Scheme at Stratford upon Avon School to the Education Capital Programme ref: 885    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Addition of project at Stratford upon Avon School

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions

Made at meeting: 14/05/2024 - Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions

Decision published: 14/05/2024

Effective from: 14/05/2024


Resolved that the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property approves the addition to the capital programme of a contribution to the scheme at Stratford upon Avon School at a cost of £0.078m to be funded from S106 receipts.


Divisions affected: Stratford West;

Lead officer: Emma Basden-Smith, Claire Thornicroft

09/05/2024 - Establishment of Specialist Resourced Provision ref: 878    For Determination

Establishment of specialist resourced provisions at primary/secondary schools in Warwickshire

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 09/05/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 10/05/2024

Effective from: 09/05/2024


That Cabinet:


1.     Approves the establishment of specialist resourced provision and approves the following addition to the capital programme to deliver the prescribed alterations required:


a.     For Park Hill Junior School, Kenilworth an addition of £0.113 million to the capital programme to be funded from the Special Provision Fund;

b.     For St Paul’s CofE Primary School, Nuneaton, an addition of £0.013 million to the capital programme to be funded from Developer contributions;


2.     Approves the establishment of specialist resourced provision at Briar Hill Infant School, Leamington Spa at no additional cost to the Council;


3.     Supports the establishment of specialist resourced provision at Nicholas Chamberlaine School, Bedworth and in order to deliver the alterations required approves an addition to the capital programme of £0.090 million to deliver the scheme at Nicholas Chamberlains School, Bedworth. This will be funded from the High Needs Capital Grant and to be drawn down subject to the Department for Education approval of the required change application; and


4.     Authorises, the Executive Director for Children and Young People, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property and the Portfolio Holder for Education, to invite tenders and enter into the appropriate contracts on terms and conditions considered acceptable to the Executive Director for Resources.


Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Emma Basden-Smith, Dale Bromfield, Claire Thornicroft

09/05/2024 - Warwickshire Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) Plus Funding for 2024-25 ref: 880    For Determination

In accordance with the action outlined in the 'Update on the Warwickshire Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)' report approved by WCC Cabinet in September 2023, a further report is to be taken to Cabinet seeking approval of a programme of revenue-funded measures aligned to the Warwickshire BSIP in 2024-25.

The measures will funded via a two-year delivery programme (2024-25 to 2025-26) at a total cost of £5.466million aligned to the Warwickshire BSIP. This will be funded by the combined indicative £3.394million Network North BSIP Plus for 2024-25 and £2.072million BSIP Plus revenue grant allocations to the County Council for 2024-25 to be awarded by the Department for Transport.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 09/05/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 10/05/2024

Effective from: 18/05/2024


That Cabinet


1.     Approves a two-year programme (2024-25 to 2025-26) of revenue funded measures as set out in Appendix C to the report at a total cost of £5.466million aligned to the Warwickshire BSIP, which will be fully funded by a combined £3.394million Network North BSIP Plus for 2024-25 and £2.072million BSIP Plus for 2024-25 revenue grant allocations to the County Council awarded by the Department for Transport (DfT) in 2024-25; and


2.     Approves the addition of the revenue-funded measures into the Warwickshire Enhanced Partnership (EP) Scheme.


Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Nigel Whyte

09/05/2024 - Educational Attainment Working Group Report ref: 881    For Determination

A report on the findings of, and recommendations made by, the working group established to aid attainment of children's education in Warwickshire

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 09/05/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 10/05/2024

Effective from: 18/05/2024


That Cabinet endorses the recommendations of the Educational Attainment Working Group, subject to alignment with current budget, governance and policy.



Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Andy Carswell

09/05/2024 - Minutes of the Previous Meeting ref: 884    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 09/05/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 10/05/2024

Effective from: 09/05/2024


The minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 11 April 2024 were agreed as an accurate record.


09/05/2024 - Additions to the Education Capital Programme 2024/2025 ref: 877    Recommendations Approved

Addition of education capital projects and funding to the capital programme.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 09/05/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 10/05/2024

Effective from: 18/05/2024


That Cabinet


1.     Approves the proposals relating to Lighthorne Heath Primary School as follows:


a.     Relocate the school to a new school site and increase the capacity from 91 places to 420 places (two form entry)

b.     Establish specialist resourced provision for up 14 learners with SEND;

c.     Recommends to Council the addition of £16.467m to the capital programme to deliver the scheme at Lighthorne Heath Primary School which will be funded from developer contributions, the School Condition Allowance and the Department for Education (DfE) Basic Need Grant;


2.     Approves the proposals relating to Shottery St Andrew’s CofE Primary School as follows:


a.     Relocate the school to a new school site and increase the capacity from 105 places to 420 places (two form entry);

b.     Establish specialist resourced provision for up 8 learners with SEND.

c.     Recommends to Council the addition of £15.573m to the capital programme to deliver the scheme at Shottery St Andrews CofE Primary School which will be funded from developer contributions, the School Condition Allowance, an education capital receipt and the DfE Basic Need Grant;


3.     Recommends to Council the addition of £5.347m to the capital programme to deliver the scheme at Myton Gardens Primary School. This will be funded by developer contributions and the DfE Basic Need Grant.


4.     Approves the addition to the capital programme of £1.500 million to deliver the scheme at Stratford upon Avon School and £0.310 million to deliver the scheme at The George Eliot Academy. Both schemes will be funded by developer contributions.


5.     Approves £0.600 million for the delivery of the disability and access block header and £0.163 million to deliver the scheme at the Coleshill Learning Pod. Both schemes will be funded be funded from the High Needs Capital Grant.


6.     Approves the addition to the capital programme of £0.400 million to deliver the safeguarding and security block header, to be funded from the School Condition Allocation.


7.     Subject to Council’s agreement to the required additions to the Capital Programme, the Executive Director for Children and Young People is authorised, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property, to invite tenders and enter into the appropriate contracts or (where the scheme is school led) to make the necessary funding arrangements for these schemes on terms and conditions considered acceptable to the Executive Director for Resources.


Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Emma Basden-Smith, Dale Bromfield, Claire Thornicroft, Bern Timings

09/05/2024 - WIF Bid for Approval ref: 882    For Determination

WRIF bids for approval - May 2024

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 09/05/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 10/05/2024

Effective from: 18/05/2024

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Makion Chiwade, Chris Norton, Jon Stead

09/05/2024 - SEND Delivering Better Value Programme ref: 879    For Determination

To provide an update on proposals for the SEND Delivering Better Value Programme.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 09/05/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 10/05/2024

Effective from: 18/05/2024


That Cabinet:


1.     Endorses the four projects proposed in the SEND Delivering Better Value Programme;


2.     Agrees that the projects and approaches arising from the Delivering Better Value Programme work and set out within the report, should supersede proposals put forward in December 2022 on the local SEND Offer.


Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Ross Caws