petition details

Traffic and safety issues on A429 at Longbridge roundabout

We the undersigned petition the council to Please review the safety of the increasing traffic on the A429 towards the M40 Longbridge roundabout, with a view to changing the junction to include a yellow box, longer delay at the lights or traffic signals.

We urgently petition the council to look at the safety of the traffic queuing on the A429 onto the M40 roundabout at Longbridge. Traffic is increasing and is particularly bad during rush hour, however queues can form at any time of day. Please see points below for further details.

1. The A429 is the only junction with no traffic signals and relies on a slight delay at the lights coming off the A46 and round from the M40 junction. This is currently not fit for purpose due to cars either going through on amber or often doing a racing start from the lights. Many of us have seen some incredibly near misses where vehicles speed off from the lights just after the M40 junction and swerve to avoid a collision with vehicles pulling out from A429 junction.
2. Often no vehicles can pull out of the A429 as the entrance onto the roundabout is blocked with cars queuing to get off at the Barford junction. This means traffic can back up all along the A429 towards Tournament fields. This affects cars pulling out from the hotel/The Peacocks entrance wishing to turn right.
3. We have witnessed vehicles, including buses, using the wrong side of the road, going around the bollards to get into the middle and right-hand lanes.
4. This small stretch of road is very busy with the people turning into McDonalds, Forever living and the Holiday Inn, the Delta hotel and The Peacocks, as well as the bus stops. Buses coming off the roundabout towards Warwick obstruct the view down the A429, cars then queue behind the bus completely obstructing the exit from the hotel. Often people use the other side of the road, across the designated right turning filter lane into the Delta Hotel entrance to overtake the bus.
5. This stretch of road is only going to become worse with the decision to allow planning for a drive thru coffee shop on the site of the Delta Hotel. Even with a keep clear box added, this does not solve the issue that many cars will not be able to turn right to get back onto the motorway due to traffic queues.
6. Traffic turning into McDonalds from the roundabout often drive through or occupy the right filter lane into the hotel which blocks cars wanting to turn right.
7. In the 1980s when the original plans were approved The Peacocks were not given their own designated entrance as it was felt this would make the stretch of road too busy with entrances. The council is clearly aware that this stretch of road is very busy.
8. Many people take the decision not to use this route which pushes traffic through the centre of Warwick or smaller roads which are less able to cope with this volume of cars.

Started by: Jess Layman-Brown

This petition ran from 20/08/2024 to 17/12/2024 and has now finished.

320 people signed this petition.