We call on Warwickshire County Council to urgently review the
recent placement of double yellow lines on the roads adjacent to
Woodloes Avenue South. While intended to improve safety, the
current placements fail to address the main problem areas and have
caused widespread frustration.
Key Concerns:
1. The hazardous bend on Woodloes Avenue South, frequently blocked
by parked cars, remains unaddressed despite being a long-standing
safety issue.
2. Double yellow lines were added to junctions where no parking
problems existed, wasting public funds.
3. Areas like Knoll Drive (especially near the school) and other
key roads with known parking and traffic issues were left
4. Lines at some junctions are too short to meaningfully improve
visibility or traffic flow.
Started by: Samuel Jones
This petition runs from 30/01/2025 to 01/05/2025.
Nobody has yet signed this petition.