That the Portfolio Holder for Finance and
Property gives approval for the following schemes to be added to
the Capital Programme for 2021/22:
1. A446 Lichfield Road, Curdworth (Dunton Wharf)
2. A452 Europa Way, Warwick (The Asps) Banbury Road (Minor)
3. D5496 School Road, Salford Priors (Minor)
4. D6173 Timothy's Bridge Road - Swans Landing (Minor)
5. C43 Gallows Hill (Strawberry Fields) (Minor)
6. D2045 Coombe Fields Road, Ansty
7. C43 Gallows Hill (Lower Heathcote Farm) (Minor)
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/08/2021
Decision due: 10 Sep 2021 by Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property
Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property
Lead director: Executive Director for Communities
Department: Communities Directorate
Contact: Ian Stuart Email: