Issue details

Subsequent Approval to Submit Bid to the Department for Transport for Local Transport Capital Block Funding Specific Grant Determination and approval for the expenditure of the DfT Grant.

1) that the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property subsequently gives approval for the submission of the bid to the Department for Transport (DfT) Local Transport Capital Block Funding Specific Grant Determination for additional sum for traffic signal maintenance and upgrading, subject to sign off by the Section 151 Officer.

2) that the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property gives approval to the expenditure of the DfT Grant for the purpose of traffic signal maintenance and upgrading to the Capital Programme for 2021/22.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/10/2021

Decision due: 12 Nov 2021 by Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property

Lead director: Executive Director for Communities

Department: Communities Directorate

Contact: Gafoor Din, Section Manager (Traffic Control) Email:

Agenda items


  • Subsequent Approval to Submit Bid to the Department for Transport for Local Transport Capital Block Funding Specific Grant Determination and approval for the expenditure of the DfT Grant.