Issue details

Developer-Funded S278 Highways Schemes Approvals

That the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property gives approval to the addition of the following s278 fully developer-funded highway improvement schemes to the Capital Programme for 2021/22.

1. D4885 Chesterton Drive (Campion School), Leamington
2. D4102 Millers Road, Warwick
3. D1736 School Lane, Exhall
4. D7069 Glasshouse lane (East side), Kenilworth

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/10/2021

Decision due: 12 Nov 2021 by Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property

Lead director: Executive Director for Communities

Department: Communities Directorate

Contact: Ian Stuart Email:

Agenda items


  • Developer-Funded S278 Highways Schemes Approvals